Sunday, January 03, 2010



Berlin Residents -

A very informative presentation was made on Saturday regarding the Berlin Fire Department's proposal for having our own local ambulance service here in Berlin.

The presentation on this proposal was about 30 minutes long and then there was about 25 minutes of questions and answers. The link to watch this presentation and the Q&A will be posted on the town and fire department websites on Monday, January 4th ... keep checking back, it will appear!! or

I encourage you to watch the presentation of this proposal, I attended on Saturday and my own interpretation is:

Instead of Barre Town operating one ambulance out of the Berlin Fire Dept., Berlin would have trained staff operating two ambulances out of the Berlin fire station; in addition to the volunteers, there would be paid staff ensuring 24x7 coverage; and response time throughout our town for fire emergencies would improve by having staffing at the department (so instead of having to get people to the station to get a truck, there would be somebody at the station ready to roll). All this at no additional cost to the Berlin taxpayers. If the Berlin select board approves the Berlin ambulance proposal, coverage I believe could start on July 1st, 2010.

The select board will be discussing the Berlin ambulance service proposal, along with any other proposals they have received, at their select board meeting Monday, January 4th. Budget discussion starts at 5:30pm, regular meeting with the emergency services discussion starts at 7pm. Not sure if any decision will be made at this meeting on Monday, however, it will indeed be the select board that makes this decision on who provides ambulance service for the town of Berlin.

If you have questions regarding the Berlin proposal you are encouraged to contact Scott Bagg or Nick Garbacik (contact info: If you would like to voice your support (or any concerns) regarding the proposal - please be in touch with select board members or attend the select board meeting. Contact info for the select board members can be found at:

Hope to see some of you at the select board meeting.

Corinne Stridsberg

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