Wednesday, March 24, 2010


sharing news

Friends and Community Members - Sometimes these notices are sent out in email land and they don't get posted here on the blog as timely. Remember, if you'd like to be added to my email list, just drop me a note at ... also let me know if there is community news you'd like shared.


Please note that Counterpoint will present a FREE performance at the State House tonight at 7:30pm as part of the Farmer's Night series SEE BELOW for more info. Some of these folks joined us recently at school as the vocal quartet "Ah! Cappella" which students and staff thoroughly enjoyed! Don't miss it!

On Monday, March 29th the Hampstead Players will be at Berlin Elementary School at 1:15pm. Please join us. We've had them at our school before and very much enjoyed them... this time it's to help prepare our students for the Shakespeare production our 5th & 6th graders will be putting on June 2nd and 3rd.


Homework Club will be cancelled on Monday, March 22, to allow staff members to participate in and provide input into the principal search process. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. We will resume Homework Club on Tuesday, 3/23.
Monday, March 22nd 6pm-7pm - Brian O'Regan will meet with interested Berlin community members and parents interested in learning about the process and will folks will be given an opportunity to provide input on the qualities, skills, and attributes desired in the new principal. This same evening at 7:30pm Brian will meet with the board to review the process and solidify the charge of the Adisory Search Committee.

If you're interested in volunteering to participate on the Advisory Committee that will interview candidates for the job of Principal, please immediately contact Amy Brewer, Chair of the School Board at 223-3259 ( This process will begin on 3/22/10, involve multiple meetings, and 1-2 full days of interviews in early April.

The Special School Board Meeting Agenda can be found on the school website, for your convenience I linked to the front announcement page although all school board info is on a link on the side bar of the school website
Berlin Elementary School Board Vacancy - The Berlin Elementary School Board seeks a Board member to fill a vacancy until Town Meeting Day in March 2011. Board meetings are held the second Monday of the month at 6:15pm in the Berlin Elementary Learning Center. The criteria for a Board member are as follows:

* Must be a registered voter
* Willingness to attend training
* Ability to meet actual time requirements of Board membership
* Willingness to serve on committees
* Energy / Stamina
* Sense of humor
* Open-minded, objective, able to suspend judgment
* Ability to maintain confidentiality
* Willingness to speak one's mind - professionalism
* Financial understanding - bringing balance to Board's collective skills and knowledge
* Ability to come prepared to meetings
* Familiarity with Robert's Rules of Order

For more information or to express your interest, please contact Amy Brewer - Chair, Berlin School Board, 372 Paine Turnpike North, Berlin, VT 05602. The deadline to apply is March 19th, 2010.

Berlin Elementary School would like to welcome and register Kindergarten students for the 2010-2011 school year. Children must be 5 years of age on or before September 1st, 2010 to be eligible for Kindergarten. Registration packets are available at the Main Office of Berlin Elem. School during the week of March 22nd from 9 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. and must be returned completed by March 26th. A copy of your child's birth certificate and immunization records are mandatory at the time of registration. Please contact Diane Noyes, Registrar at 223-2796 x121 if you have any questions. IMPORTANT DATES: Registration: March 22nd - 26th; Parent Visitation Night: April 7th - 6pm-7pm.
Did you know there are adult pick-up volleyball games at Berlin Elementary School on Tuesday nights starting at 7:30pm. Check the school event calendar for any conflicts to that schedule and to find out about other events

BERLIN SCHOOL CALENDAR OF EVENTS: link on front page of school website or direct link is

*******SAVE THE DATES********

State Scholastic Chess Tournament Saturday, April 10th, at Berlin Elementary School for kindergarten - 12th gr full details at

FUN FAMILY MATH NIGHT Wednesday, April 14th at Berlin Elementary School - lots of fun games to play for the entire family, more details to come, I hear gift cards will be raffled off to parents attending!

Berlin Elementary School Concert April 29th, afternoon and evening performances

5th & 6th grade production at Berlin Elem. Wednesday, June 2nd (1pm & 7pm) and Thursday, June 3rd at 7pm.
************* *************

Monday, March 08, 2010


upcoming - don't miss out!

RESULTS FROM VOTING IN BERLIN ... elementary school budget passed (247-176) ...and the two school bonds... as did just about everything else including funds for GMTA and Kellogg-Hubbard Library. Details on the results can be found on the school and town websites: and . The U-32 budget also passed. Only 433 folks voted, that's out of 1,875 registered voters. Additional information regarding our schools can be found at

Please note there is lots of great information (and photos) updated on a regular basis on the Town website . If you're wondering how to get hold of somebody at the Town Office or when meetings take place and what is on the agenda, please take time to visit the website!

Both Berlin Elementary School ( and U-32 High School ( have great on-line calendars. On the U-32 one you're even able to have it send you updates about events to your email or phone!

Berlin Dogs need to be registered, currently the cost is $8 if spayed or neutered and $12 if not; on April 1st the cost goes up to $10 for spayed/neutered and $16 if not. Bring proof of rabies vaccination and of spay/neuter with you when you head to the Town Clerk's office.

Central Vermont Humane Society has moved and is now located on Route 14 in East Montpelier (1589 VT Route 14S) 476-3811 Directions: Take Exit 7 and follow the signs to Barre, going straight through several lights and down a large hill. From the intersection of Route 14 and Main Street in Barre City, go straight on Route 14 and travel 4.2 miles. The Shelter will be on your Left just as you go around a corner.

Monday, March 8th 6:15pm - Berlin School Board meets. All are welcome. The agenda can be found on the school website , look for "School Board" on the sidebar and then "Agenda". At town meeting Jonathan Boyd who was on the ballot was elected along with by write-in vote, Mike Stridsberg. There is still one position that needs to be filled.
Monday, March 8th - Berlin Sewer Commission meets 7pm at Town Office
Tuesday, March 9th - Volunteer Orientation at Central Vermont Adult Basic Education 5pm-6pm 476-4588
Wednesday, March 10th 7pm "Life in Washington County" with Bill Doyle, documentary which blends interviews and images of local people in the first half of the 20th century. More than 200 historical photographs provide a visual record of life in the region. At Kellogg-Hubbard Library
Wednesday, March 10th public meeting on s286 an act relating to creating regional school districts and no more than 16 supervisory unions is scheduled for 5 pm at the Statehouse in Montpelier.
Wednesday, March 10th 5pm-6pm Berlin Economic Development Advisory Council (regular montly meetings 2nd and 4th Wednesday) On the agenda this week is to prepare a DRAFT TAX STABILIZATION POLICY
Thursday, March 11th - MEETING POSTPONED next meeting regarding the possible collaboration of Montpelier and WCSU to hear the financial report has been postponed until further notice. More information regarding this Merger/Consolidation Study can be found at :, information includes previous study documents, committee member contact info, minutes from current committees, etc.
Thursday, March 11th - Parent/Child Book Group at Berlin Elementary School 6:30pm
Thursday, March 11th - 6th grade parent night at U-32 6:30pm
Thursday, March 11th - Middle School Parent Teacher Council Meeting 6:30pm-7:30pm in the conference room at the back of the library
Thursday, March 11th 6:30pm -8:30pm Documentary: Must Party = Drinking? How did our Kids Become Drinkers? What's the Solution? Sponsored by the Montpelier Community Justice Center and Kellogg-Hubbard Library (held at the library). The evening will include the film Spin the Bottle and a panel of those working in prevention, treatment, and educational settings who will lead the audience in dialogue and problem-solving.
Friday, March 12th - 3pm-5pm Ukrainian Egg Decorating with Sofia Shatkivska at the Aldrich Public LIbrary 476-7550
Friday & Saturday, March 12th & 13th U-32 Variety Show 7pm
Saturday, March 13th - Barre Irish Heritage Celebration 10am Green Eggs & Ham breakfast at Mulligan's Irish Pub, 12:30 Irish Heritage Parade, 1:30 Aldrich Library Children's Program "Potato Prints Project", 2pm Traditional Irish music by Trinity and Corned Beef & Cabbage $10 per person at the Barre Auditorium; 6pm, Mulligan's Irish Pub Celebration at the Barre Auditorium - cover charge for live music & dancing - classic rock with Bob Nelson & the Natives (Native Tongue with some different folks because of a scheduling conflict), then 80's band - Cocktail.
Saturday, March 13th 10am-2pm- Education Fair for Central Vermont. Visit more than 20 local children's organizations under one roof including schools, camps and more. Unitarian Church, Montpelier FREE 456-7400
Monday, March 15th - Methadone Advisory Council meets 5pm at the Methadone Clinic on Granger Road
Monday, March 15th - Berlin Selectboard meets (1st and 3rd Monday of month)
Tuesday, March 16th - Michael Nerney will be presenting at Montpelier High School Auditorium from 6:30-8:30pm. Last year he did a wonderful presentation at U-32 on the adolescent brain. His discussion will cover: How the teen brain works, Why teens do what they do, Better ways to talk to and listen to teens, How you can help protect teens from drugs and alcohol. This is a great opportunity to get a refresher from a renowned speaker for FREE.
Tuesday, March 16th - Berlin Development Review Board meets at town office (meetings 1st & 3rd Tuesday)
Wednesday, March 17th - U-32 Board Meeting 6pm (meetings 1st & 3rd Wednesdays)
Thursday, March 18th - Berlin PTNA 6:30pm - your help is needed, please attend!
Tuesday, March 23 Berlin Historical Society - Paul Gillies will present his research on "Berlin's Ancient Roads"
Wednesday, March 24th 5:30pm WCSU New Board Training, Executive Committee, Full Board at U-32
Friday, March 26th - Annual Community Spaghetti Dinner at U-32 High School, raffle, silent auction and entertainment to benefit the 8th grade class trip to Washington, DC Seatings at 5:30pm and 7pm Tickets $10 adults, $5 seniors/students, $30 for family. See an 8th grader for tickets! (Our Minda is an 8th grader if you don't have a connection with another 8th gr student.). Take out orders $10

NOTE: We've been attending this dinner for years and always enjoy the chance to see friends, enjoy some good food & entertainment, have those 8th graders working (cooking, serving, and cleaning) toward this trip, and there's always a few things you want to bid on at the silent auction - items from local businesses, items students have made and also some "new to you" items, etc. Buying local and supporting businesses who support our schools is so important! If you're a local business it's not too late to sponsor a table at the dinner, donate an item for the raffle, or donate an item to a student for the silent auction.
Monday, April 5th - Berlin Selectboard meeting (1st and 3rd Monday)

Wednesday, April 7th U-32 Board Meeting 6pm (meetings 1st & 3rd Wednesdays)
Friday, April 9th - NO SCHOOL
Friday & Saturday, April 9th & 10th 7:30pm U-32 musical - Dirty Rotten Scoundrels
Saturday, April 10th - Vermont State Scholastic Chess Tournament at Berlin Elementary School
Sunday, April 11th 1pm U-32 musical - Dirty Rotten Scoundrels - final performance
Monday, April 12th - Berlin School Board Meeting 6:15pm
Thursday, April 15th - Berlin PTNA meeting
Monday, April 19th - Berlin Selectobard meeting (meetings 1st and 3rd Mondays) not sure if this will be rescheduled because of vacation
Saturday & Sunday, April 24 & 25 Central Vermont Garden Show at the Old Labor Hall on Granite St, Barre
Tuesday, April 27th - Berlin Historical Society, Bill Doyle will present the video on Washington County that his students at Johnson State produced.
Thursday, April 29th - Berlin Concert 1pm and 7pm
Saturday, May 1st - Green Up Day - Please help clean up Berlin!
Wednesday, May 5th - Berlin Conservation/Recreation Commission meets the first Wednesday of every other month September through May (Sept, Nov, Jan, March, May)
Tuesday, May 25 - Berlin Historical Society - Richard Turner will present "Barre-Montpelier / E.F. Knapp Airport History" at the BHS annual meeting which will be held at the Parish Hall of the Berlin Corner Congregational Church
Saturday & Sunday, June 19 & 20, 2010 History Expo in Tunbridge - Berlin Historical Society will present an exhibit "Berlin Lands in 1860"
Mondays 7pm-9pm Capital Orchestra New players welcome, especially strings. At U-32 rehearsals most MOndays Info 223-8610
Tuesdays 3/9 - 4/13 at 6pm-8pm Parenting workshops - "How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk" - Family Center of Washington County, Preregister 262-3292 x115 childcare available
Kellogg-Hubbard Library Remember, since Berlin voted for continuing funding of this community gem, ALL Berlin residents are able to get a library card at no additional cost so you can take out materials and download audio books from "Listen Up! Vermont" Check out their website, here are just a few on-going activities:
Tuesdays 3:30pm-5 Comics Club with Pete Talbot and Aubry Norman at the Kellogg-Hubbard Library, Montpelier
Wednesdays 5:30pm-7pm Youth Chess Club at the Kellogg-Hubbard Library, Montpelier
Fridays 3pm-5pm Games at the Library - Kellogg-Hubbard Library, Montpelier
Fridays 4pm-5:30pm Dungeons and Dragons - Kellogg-Hubbard Library, Montpelier

Fridays/Saturday/Sundays - Sugar on Snow at Morse Farm at least until the middle of April. Noon - 4pm. County Road just 2.7 miles up Main Street from Downtown Montpelier 223-2740

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