Monday, September 13, 2010


fall calendar of events

I continue my volunteer work on the Berlin Emergency Management Team and I am also now a member of the Berlin Volunteer Fire Department and of the American Red Cross. All three organizations could use more volunteers - please consider volunteering with me! ~ Corinne

Please check out the town website at and the school websites and for lots of information

TOP PICK - Please note out of all the following events - if I had to pick just one, it would be the potato picking down at Chappelle's in Williamstown on Sunday, Sept. 19th - see details below!!

It's that time of year, get out those calendars....

Please note that all event dates are subject to change.

Apple Orchard at Vermont Technical College in Randolph Center is open for Pick Your Own Apples Saturday & Sunday 10am - 5pm; Monday & Friday 3pm - 5pm 728-1276

Liberty Orchards in Brookfield is also fun to go to for apple picking as they have low trees making picking great for the kids. Opening September 18th and probably picked out by Columbus Day weekend. Friday, Saturday, Sunday 10am - 5pm and Monday - Thursday 1pm-5pm 276-3161

Dairy Creme lower State St they were open 11am -9pm all summer long, however, fall hours Sept 13th - Oct 3rd 12pm-8pm 7 days a week;
Oct 4 - Oct 31st 12pm - 8pm ONLY Thurs - Sunday (closed Mon - Wed)
Did you know you can buy CASH CARDS and get FREE CREEMEES, what a great gift! WOODEN NICKELS are great gifts too. Check out the details on their website.

Morse Farm Always a good place to visit - open 7 days a week.
Shelburne Museum is open 10am - 5pm until October 24th
Thanks to a generous grant by Lois McClure, Vermont residents can get in for half price.
Cold Hollow Cider in Waterbury free samples of cider and other items to taste. If you're buyings - top picks would be their cider and cider donuts - yum! Always great to visit during pressing season to watch but off season they do have a video tape that shows the process (also available in other languages).
Cabot Cheese Annex (on the way to Cold Hollow Cider) Another tasty stop - cheese and other products to sample OR drive to Cabot and not only sample but take the tour of the factory:
Great Vermont Maze - Corn Maze in North Danville
Adults $12 (ages 16-59); children (ages 5-15) $9; seniors (60+) $9; 4 and under free. All children 15 and under MUST be supoervised by an adult (radios and cell phones are not considered supervision). The actual corn maze covers 8/5 acres with about 2 miles of trails, situated on a hill. Most visitors spend 2 - 5 hours on the property enjoying the different attractions. Hours: maze opens 10am and last people enter at 3pm. Everyone is helped out of the maze by 4:30 closing time is 5pm. The corn maze will be open through October 24th.

Hathaway Farm Corn Maze in Rutland /
Come find your way through 12 acres of corn and miles of paths & solve our "Food for Thought" maze. Most days it's open 10am-5pm (out of maze by 6pm). Closed Tuesdays.
Saturdays 10am - 9pm (out of the maze by 11pm) - moonlight madness!
Adults $10; children 4-11 $8
for the Saturday evening maze you also get a glow stick (bring a flashlight) and there is marshmallow roasting

Central Vermont Swim Club will soon be starting for swimmers ages 6 - 18 years old. Swimmers meet multiple evenings per week (6pm-7:30pm) at either First in Fitness in Berlin or Norwich University. Season runs end of October to mid February. Contact Kathie at for more information.
Local Sports Coverage brought to you by Berlin's Carl Parton

Central Vermont's Classic Rock band, Native Tongue, has released their debut CD "Frozen" - details at Look for them to play at Mulligan's soon and Oct 8th at Gusto's.
Senior Portraits - the Wiggoddess right here on Route 2 in Berlin has portrait services (yes, they have wigs too!) Check out the photos they have on line along with their pricing. Other portrait options include - family, children, prom, portfolios, holidays, pets, etc. Give Clare a call at 229-1112


Monday, September 13th is the start of the Autumn Book Sale at Kellogg-Hubbard Library. Thousands of books, divided by subject at low prices.
Monday, September 13th 6:15pm Berlin Elementary School Board meeting
Tuesday, September 14th at 1:30pm at the First Congregational Church, Berlin Corners, Vermont History Through Song. Singer and researcher Linda Radtke, joined by pianist Arthur Zorn, brings Vermont history to life with engaging commentary about the songs found in the Vermont Historical Society's collection of sheet music. Dressed in period costume, Ms. Radtke takes listeners through state history using the songs Vermonters published in their communities. This Vermont Humanities Council Speaker's Bureau program hosted by Kellogg-Hubbard Library is suitable for all ages. FREE, open to the public and ADA accessible.
Tuesday, September 14th - Berlin Elementary School Open House 6:30-7:30pm
Saturday, September 18th Dodge Farm in Berlin, Barn Dance and Open Farm. 45 Scott Hill Road, 224-9039 "Save the Barn" is a fundraiser to match a state grant to restore the leaking barn roof. Find event info and bidding for silent auction items at This barn dance features "Cats Under the Stars" an awesome local Jerry Garcia tribute band. Open Farm 12 - 4 by donation; barn dance 7pm - 11pm $15 BYOB. Meet the animals, make paper, enjoy cider, donuts and other great snacks, bid in the silent auction and get your groove on! Ms. Kristen Gallagher and Mr. Loren Thompson, owners. (Dodge Farm also has a farm stand)
Silent Auction - you are invited to bring a bit of harvest or a craft for the Barn Dance Silent Auction - a jar of jam, an apple pie, a plate of cookies, a hand knit hat or a piece of pottery. These fun items will be put out for the evening's bidding. Final bids for the Silent Auction will take place, continuing on line and at the dance until 10pm. Some items to bid on will be exclusive to the evening's event.

PTNA Fundraiser - Genevieve catalogue orders will go to support the Berlin PTNA. Orders can be placed on line using the number 5355 to credit Berlin ELementary PTNA

Campbell Soup labels and Box Tops for Education continue to be collected to support the Berlin PTNA and in turn the elementary school and students. Even if you don't have a student at the elementary school, please donate these items! Check out these links for detials on what is being collected:

There are also programs through two grocery stores, again, you need not have students at Berlin Elementary for the school to benefit:

Price Chopper Tools for Schools

Hannafords Helps Schools

September 16th - 19th - Tunbridge World's Fair, Tunbridge, VT
Thursday, September 16th - Financial Literacy Classes on eight Thursdays 6-8pm Community National Bank in Barre. See details at end of this email.
Sunday, September 19th 9am-5pm Pick Your Own POTATOES! One day only at Chappelle's in Williamstown. Watch for the signs as you drive south out of Williamstown on Route 14. Bring 5 gallon buckets and grain or coffee bean bags to gather your potatoes behind the digger. Pick up whatever size potatoes you prefer. Only 25 cents per pound. 50 lb bags of potatoes can be purchased from the Chappelle warehouse seasonally at the following prices: No. 1's $14, Chef's $18, Bakers $20 and Unclassifieds $5. Barbara & Bob Chappelle 433-5930
Thursday, September 23rd 6:30 - 8pm U-32 Open House

Friday, September 24th Central Vermont's Classic Rock Band, Native Tongue, appearance on Frank-FM at 7am

Saturday, September 25th 10am - 1pm Open House at Chandler Music Hall in Randolph - performances, refreshments, self-guided tours of the renovated spaces. More details regarding this open house can be found on their website
Saturday, September 25th 10am - 2pm Safe disposal of unused or expired medication. Locations: Washington County Sheriff's Dept, 10 Elm St, Montpelier; Northfield Police Dept, 110 Wall St, Northfield; Barre City Police Dept, 15 Fourth St, Barre; or Vermont State Police, 1080 Route 2, Middlesex
Saturday, September 25th 7pm COUNTERPOINT - FREE - "Sing for Peace" - Come raise your voices for Peace in a Vermont Choral Festival featuring six Vermont choruses. At the First Unitarian Universalist Society Church, Pearl Street at the top of Church Street in Burlington.
September 30th 1:30pm at Kellogg-Hubbard Library "The Commercial History along the Winooski River Valley in Montpelier". This slide presentation with Manuel Garcia shows many of the earlier business establishments, large and small, along the Memorial Drive, Berlin Street, River Street, and Barre Street area neighborhoods. View the Manufactured Gas and Electric Generating plants along with some pictures of the Railroad and Trolley systems that traversed this Valley, as well as the early single span bridges that crossed the Winooski River. Did you know that some of this area used to be part of the Town of Berlin? This program is an encore presentation-don't miss it!
October 2nd - COMIC BOOK EVENTS!
The Kellogg-Hubbard Library has teamed up with the Trees & Hills comic group to host a 24-Hour Comic challenge on October. 2. Participants will create a 24 page comic book – story, art and lettering – in a consecutive 24 hour period.
The event is free and open to cartoonists and artists who are at least 16 years old. Anyone interested in participating is asked to pre-register by emailing their name, address and telephone number to at Trees & Hills comics

For younger cartoonists, NH cartoonist Marek Bennett will lead a three-hour interactive teaching session on comics storytelling. Bennett, the creator of the popular newspaper comic strip “Mimi's Doughnuts,” will end the lesson with each participant creating his or her own mini-comic book. This workshop is from 10am to 1pm on Saturday, October 2. Please register in the children’s department or call 223-4665.
Friday, October 8th Central Vermont's Classic Rock Band, Native Tongue, at Gusto's in Barre
October 8 - 10 10am - 5pm Baked Beads Clearance Sale Route 100 at 46 Carroll Road, Waitsfield VT Earrings, bracelets, necklaces, rings, toe rings, eyeglass chains, hair accessories, beads and much, much more! Prices are over 75% off retail. Bring your purchase receipt to Berlin Elementary School and the PTNA will receive 10% of the sales. Receipts should go to the school office in an envelope marked "PTNA Baked Beads"
Saturday, October 9th - Crafty Second Saturdays at the Vermont Historical Society Museum in Montpelier (109 State St, Pavilion Building) 1-3pm try the craft of William B. Closson by creating your own engraving and print. Free with museum admission. ($5 adults, $3 seniors, students and children 6-17, free for children 5 and under) See the complete listing of Crafy Second Saturday on their website.
October 14th - Berlin PTNA meeting at 6:30pm
Shelburne Museum is open 10am - 5pm until October 24th
Thanks to a generous grant by Lois McClure, Vermont residents can get in for half price.
October 27th - U-32 Middle School Fall Concert 7pm
October 28th - U-32 High School Fall Concert 7pm
October 29th - Halloween Family Dance at Berlin Elementary School 6:30-8:30pm
Saturday, October 30th, 11am Chandler Music Hall in Randolph, Marko the Magician Admission $10 adults, $5 kids

Saturday, October 30th & Sunday, October 31st Both evenings there will be hundreds of Jack-O-Lanterns on display at Ellie's Farm Market on Route 12 in West Berlin. If you've never been, check out these photos from a previous year for an idea of what to expect
November 12th - Game Night 7-8:30pm
November 18th - Berlin PTNA meeting at 6:30pm
Saturday, November 20th 10am - 2pm Thanksgiving Farmers' Market at Montpelier High School
November 20th - December 22nd at 11am only on Wednesdays, Fridays & Saturday Candy Cane Making Demonstrations at Laughing Moon Chocolates in Stowe
Saturday, November 27th 11am Chandler Music Hall in Randolph, No Strings Marionettes presents "Handsome and Gretel" Admission only $5 each
December 9th - Berlin PTNA meeting at 6:30pm
December 16th & 17th - Berlin Elementary School Annual Holiday Bazaar for students to purchase gifts for their families. Donations of gifts appreciated - especially ones appropriate for teenage brothers and dads, and also wrapping paper!

Outdoor Farmers' Market every Saturday May - Oct 9am - 1pm State St., Montpelier

Winter Farmers' Market 1st & 3rd Saturdays Dec - April 10am - 2pm Vermont College of Fine Arts Gym, Corner of East State Street & College Street

Dog River Farm on Route 12, 2 miles south of Monptelier. Contact: George Gross 223-1559 "Our CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) is called a farmstand CSA because our weekly shares are the things you would most likely buy at a roadside stand." Share distribution: We have 2 locations which are both Thursday pickup- 1. Waterbury, Green Mtn Coffee 2. Farm stand rt 12 Berlin. Products offered: vegetables, eggs, berries. Season availability: summer, fall. Special share offers: payment plans

I am Anne Howland, a member of the Onion River Exchange Craft Circle. We meet on a regular basis to do & teach crafts to those who are interested. Most of us are knitters, but there is also a variety of other crafts represented in the group. Some of us might be interested in doing a group project, such as a patchwork baby blanket, where each person contributes a block and then we all put it together. We would then offer it to a family in the community in need with a new baby. There could be other group projects as well if we know what is needed and feel we have the skills among us to complete them. Please respond to me if this idea meets any needs in the community and specify what types of items would be most needed for us to make.
Thank you very much! Anne Howland

Knitters and Crocheters Wanted -
Are you interested in helping to make hats, shawls, scarves, leg and hand warmers for cancer patients? A group of ladies in the Barre-Montpelier area have been knitting and crocheting these items since 2003, and are looking for more crafters. Each year, these ladies donate approximately 3,000 items to Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center in West Lebanon, NH and St. Johnsbury, VT, Boston Children's Hospital, National Life Cancer Treatment Center at CVMC, Fletcher Allen Health Care and miscellaneous chemo sites.
The group will be having a yarn giveaway day on September 17th at the Knights of Columbus Hall on Pine Hill in Barre Town from 10am until noon. There will be lots of yarn and patterns available.
If you no longer knit or crochet and have yarn you would like to donate, you can bring it to the Knights of Columbus Hall at 9am so it can be put out for others. The only yarn that cannot be used is wool because it is too scratchy. Monetary donations also help the group to purchase yarn, and individuals willing to deliver completed items to the hospitals are greatly appreciated.
Many of the crafters share that it is wonderful to be part of such a group and to know they are helping cancer patients through a difficult time. It is also nice for the patients knowing there are caring people thinking of them.
If you have any questions, please call either Mary Anne Cerasoli at 223-6623 or Doris Perry at 454-8490

LUNCH IN A FOREIGN LANGUAGE at Kellogg-Hubbard Library. Want to brush up on your foreign language skills' Come to the Kellogg-Hubbard Library with a bag lunch and a dictionary. We'll open the Hayes Room to a different language group from 12 noon to 1 p.m. Tell your friends!
Tuesday: Italian, begins again on Sept 14
Wednesday: Spanish
Thursday: French
Friday: German
The Times Argus had an excellent article regarding toll roads in Vermont - we hope to explore some this fall:

Vermonts Mountain Roads Are A Hidden Treasure - August 22, 2010

Vermont Mountain Roads Hours and Fees:

Free Computer Training 180 easy to follow 5 minute lessons emailed to you one day at a time from September to June

Another good place to look for computer help is on YouTube.

TIME: 6:00-8:00 p.m.

PLACE: Community National Bank, 316 North Main St., Barre

DATES: Eight Thursday evenings as follows –

Sept. 16 – Overview, Obtaining Credit Report, Savings, Tracking Spending, Car Buying, Taxes & Tax Planning

Sept. 23 – Budgeting, Debt Reduction, Discerning Needs & Wants

Sept. 30 – Retirement Planning, Investing, Wills

Oct. 7 - Credit Building & Repair, Identity Theft

Oct. 14 – Bank Products, ATM, Online Banking, Fees

Oct. 21 – Credit & Debit Cards, Identity Theft, Loans & Borrowing, Mortgages & Refinancing

Oct. 28 – Insurance: The Basics, Life Insurance

Nov. 4 – Buying vs. Renting, Wrap-up, Celebration

Refreshments provided. We look forward to learning and sharing with each other in these informative and fun classes!

Tangible Assets: 476-8493 or 800-843-8397

Tangible Assets is a program of Central Vermont Community Action Council

This program is partially supported by United Way

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