Monday, April 04, 2011


Spring is coming

Red Cross needs your help.

We're in search of donated or low cost space. Ideally we're looking for a space where Disaster Action Team supplies can be stored but easily accessed and meetings/trainings can be held. A room that's about 12 x 12 that some shelving and a large table and chairs could go into would be fantastic. However, a small room that would just work for storage would suffice as we could find other spaces to meet. What's important is that we have 24x7 access to the space as you never know when disaster will strike and we'll need the supplies.

We also have an Emergency Response Vehicle that needs a place to park that can be accessed to go out on calls. It's about the size of an ambulance but is for transporting supplies.

Currently we're aware of meeting space possibilities at Berlin Elem. School, the Berlin Fire Department, and CVMC. If you have a conference room that a non-profit can use free of charge, please let us know. We tend to have meetings and trainings in the early evening and sometimes day long trainings on Saturdays.

Red Cross money all comes from donations and with Vermont disasters up 30% this year, we're trying to save every dollar we can to help families recover from disaster.

Please note that the Berlin DAT actually covers many towns throughout central Vermont in both Washington and Orange Counties. Our team would benefit from additional members joining us. Let me know if you'd like more information.

Thank you for your consideration to any space you may have available, or suggestions you can make as to where to look for some.

Corinne Stridsberg
Red Cross County Coordinator
Berlin Disaster Action Team

Have you stopped by our community library recently? All Berlin residents are able to get a free library card at the Kellogg-Hubbard Library since Berlin taxpayers voted to appropriate funds for this wonderful resource. Check out what Kellogg-Hubbard has to offer you by visiting them on-line at: or on their blog


Saturday, April 9th - State Scholastic Chess Championships at BES for students grades K-12 details at


It’s Finally Easy and Affordable to Go Solar, through Solar Berlin.
VPIRG launched our Solar Communities program last Fall, and our organizing efforts more than doubled the number of solar homes in Waterbury and Williston in just three months. Having proved the concept -- we’re now rolling it out to Montpelier, East Montpelier, Berlin and Middlesex with a new discounted solar hot water program.
The average Vermont home spends more than $600 every year on oil, propane or electricity to heat hot water. A solar system for your home can save you thousands of dollars over the expected life of the solar panels. But, not everyone has the time or the expertise that it takes to select the right installer, pick the right equipment, secure the permitting and arrange financing. So we decided to help.
We created VPIRG Energy to make it easy and affordable for Vermonters to go solar – by bundling steep discounts, government rebates and discounted financing all in one package. Using solar hot water panels can end up costing the same or less than you’re paying for electricity, oil or propane today to heat your water. It’s a good deal for the planet and it’s a good deal for your wallet.
Check it out at, and if it makes sense to you, sign up for a free site visit to get all the details for going solar at your home.
Trying to do our bit,
James Moore & Duane Peterson, Co-Directors
VPIRG Energy
Mrs. Stridsberg Returning to Berlin Elementary
Some of you have already found me back at school working some part time hours in the school office. Next week I will be full time in the office ... even though it's just to finish out this school year. The challenge is all the new student and parent names and faces, and even some that I used to know but are not right on the tip of my tongue.

End of School Year
Please be sure to keep your eye on the calendars coming home in the school newsletters (these can also be seen on the school website ) and look at the on-line school calendar.
Dates of note:
April 9th - State Scholastic Chess Championships at BES for students grades K-12 details at (BES closed to all other activities that day)
April 14th - PTNA Meeting 6:30pm at BES
April 18th - 22nd - Spring Vacation
May 5th - Spanish night at BES
May 19th - PTNA Meeting 6:30pm at BES
May 25th & 26th is when the 5th & 6th grade production will take place at BES, also the same night as the U-32 MS & HS concerts.
June 6th - BES Spring Concert
June 10th - U-32 Graduation
June 14th - Schoolwide Picnic at BES
June 17th at 6:30pm - BES 6th grade graduation - NOTE this is an evening event

Tuesday, April 26th - Berlin Historical Society 7 PM
Tuesday, May 24th - Berlin Historical Society Potluck/Program Meeting Potluck 6 PM at the Congregational Church Parish Hall
7 PM Program: "Berlin Retreat, Kings Grant to State Forest" by Sylvia Parker and Jim Sumner
Have you attended a Counterpoint concert recently? Always a great time. They can now be found on facebook

Unicycling Sundays in Montpelier
Have you always thought it would be great to unicycle or perhaps already do and are looking for a spot to ride.
Final inside ride is this weekend 4:30-6pm on Sunday. $2 per person, $5 per family. They'll continue to meet but it will most likely be outside. "It is all about just dropping in. A bunch of fun people ages 7 to 60+ who enjoy trying to balance. Sometimes 5 people show up, sometimes 20. I learned to ride from these guys when I was 45 - I had been trying since I was 10. It took me about 3 Sundays.
They have loners. Bring a helmet and some elbow and knee pads - you might even consider a pillow in your pants.....Bill Merrylees will most likely have you riding in three sessions. Do it! Also much easier to learn in the gym where to floor is wood, the road is much harder..."


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