Friday, October 28, 2011


News to Know October 28

Be sure to check out prior posts for additional news. Berlin residents please contact me at if you'd like to receive this news by email.

Your help is needed Saturday, Oct. 29th! There is more debris (downed trees / brush) at 2664 Rt 12 to be cleared (where mini golf used to be). Folks will meet there at 9:30am. There is 2- 3 hours of work although even joining the effort for an hour would be helpful! We'll need some folks with chainsaws and a couple of rakes would be good, maybe a wheelbarrow or cart too. Also needed are a few folks with trucks or perhaps a trailer for logs that need to be carted away and also to haul other debris to the dumpsters. There will likely be other folks who need assistance and we can work on going from here to other locations. Please note that for many of us we do not get cell service down past M’s RV Sales.
Replacement furniture needed: “I lost two large vintage wooden office desks that I used in my office/studio. I am looking for a nice solid wood replacement for at least one of them - the kind that have a large top surface and drawers down both sides (similar to a roll top desk, without the top). I could also use a smaller desk with drawers for the computer, and book/storage shelves.” - if you might be able to help this person out or have suggestions, please let Corinne Stridsberg know.
Laundry Assistance – There is still a family affected by Tropical Storm Irene hoping for assistance in getting a large amount of laundry done.
SENIOR PORTRAIT or other Portrait Photography Services needed? Check out the Wiggoddess Scroll down to the bottom of the page for package details. WOW photos! 229-1112
Season opens for the Vermont SledCats – Jacob Lavigne 
Monday, October 31st is the deadline to submit letters of interest to our town regarding the open BERLIN SELECTBOARD POSITION along with volunteer committee positions. Letters should go to Town Administrator, Town of Berlin, 108 Shed Road, Berlin, VT 05602, or via email at . Please include in your letter or email the committee or position you wish to serve. Other positions include an alternate on the Berlin Development Review Board; representative for the Regional Transportation Technical Advisory Committee; and a participant for a hiring committee to review & recommend qualified candidate for the Town Treasurer position to the selectboard.
Our daughter, Minda, received a gift certificate for a 75 min Dr Hauschka Relaxation Facial, a $95 value at Holistica organic facials & skin care at 4 State St. Mplr . Being 15 yrs old she's not really needing this. Anybody out there want to purchase it from her for $40 or best offer? – Contact Corinne Stridsberg
Saturday is “Scary Barre”, their second annual halloween celebration! Kids Kave activities up at the Barre Auditorium from 10am to 2pm, including bounce houses, games, coloring contests, free halloween cookies, free children's books, No Strings Marionette showing of "Handsome & Gretel" at 10:30 & 12:30, Halloween Stories with Carol Dawes and much much more. Admission is only $5 for adults, free for children under 12. Admission to Scary Barre also includes a kid-friendly daylight tour of the Haunted House at the Vermont Granite Museum (tours are at 11am, 12, and 1pm). On Halloween there will be trick-or-treating at the Barre businesses from 4pm-5pm.
Efficiency Vermont – Irene Relieve Aid and Resources
• Sign up by Nov 15 for a FREE Flood Repair Assessment with Air Sealing for Homes and Small Businesses.
• Free Workshops around Vermont: Buttoning Up After A Flood – understanding the steps to make your home safe, healthy, and energy-efficient
• Rebates for appliances and heating and hot water systems
See details at their website: or call them at 888-921-5990
In order to move its inventory of gently used clothing, toys and housewares, the Distribution Center on Rt. 100 in Waterbury Center (across from Sunoco) is making everything available to the entire community. Items are still free to families and individuals who were flooded (ALL families no matter what town you were flooded in). In addition, anyone who was not affected by the flood may shop there in exchange for a donation to the Good Neighbor Fund. Open Mondays and Wednesdays 9-noon, 5:30-7:30 p.m.; Saturdays 9-noon
FEELING STRESSED? Interested in some one-on-one counseling? Looking for stress reduction techniques and coping strategies? Wondering how to talk with your kids about what’s been happening since the flooding? Starting over Strong (SOS) is a short-term effort designed to find healthy ways to deal with the stress from the flood – this is a FREE service – Call 855-sos-vt00 (855-767-8800). To find out more about taking care of your mental and emotional health, go to and choose “After the Flood”.
Current U-32 Newsletter - November

New line of Raider apparel from the Boosters at

Berlin Elementary Current Newsletter (Oct 28)
Welch seeks USDA funding for farmers damaged by Irene
State officials outline progress, challenges post-Irene

The Federal Emergency Management Agency has extended the application deadline for Individual Assistance and Public Assistance to Nov. 15. Those with flood damage may register with FEMA at the Disaster Recovery Center at the Main Street Fire Station, by phone at (800) 621-FEMA (3362) or online at Hours at the FEMA center are 9-5:30 Monday-Saturday. Closed Sundays. FEMA representatives can register those who had flood damage, answer questions, review claims and update information, particularly regarding housing. FEMA assistance decisions also may be appealed through the same channels if a recipient is dissatisfied or believes there is an error.

According to statistics released Monday, more than 5,800 Small Business Administration loan applications were sent to Vermonters who registered with FEMA for disaster assistance but only 842 have been returned. Federal officials worry that residents may not realize that filling out and returning the application could give them financial options to help pay for their recovery – and they may be missing out on benefits by not sending it in. A few key points:
• The SBA helps renters, homeowners,and businesses with low-interest loans.
• If you do not qualify for a loan, you may be eligible for more FEMA grant money if you have not already received the maximum $30,200 FEMA award.
• You can decide later whether to take a loan. Applying gives you time to figure that out.
• The SBA can structure a loan in various ways including working with existing mortgages.
• Loan approval is based on flood damage and ability to pay, not on personal assets.
• As of Monday, 276 SBA loans worth more than $16 million were approved in Vermont.

Fill out an application with an SBA representative at the Main Street Fire Station Monday-Saturday 9-5 or call the SBA Help Line at 1-800-659-2955; forms online at

Rental Assistance
•With winter approaching, Vermonters who have registered with FEMA and who are currently staying with family, friends or neighbors or in a non-winterized or unsafe home should consider whether they may need temporary rental assistance until they can relocate into permanent housing.
•Those who have already registered with FEMA and informed us earlier they did not need rental assistance will have received a letter saying they are ineligible for assistance.
•If their situation has changed – for example, they can no longer stay with family or friends – they should call the FEMA Helpline 800-621-FEMA (3362) and report the change in circumstances.

HOME SHARE NOW OFFERING HOUSING ASSISTANCE - Home Share Now is facilitating short- and long-term home sharing matches for people displaced by Irene. They are offering their services free of charge when arranging short-term matches to house Vermonters with immediate needs. If the flood has left you homeless, or you know of people with room in their home to share during this time of crisis, please have them call Home Share Now at (802) 479-8544. Learn more about home sharing at

CASE-MANAGEMENT TRAINING: The New England Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church and Vermont Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (VOAD) is conducting training in Disaster Case Management next week in Barre. Having local volunteers trained in case management could help get long-term recovery efforts in full swing. Case managers would work one-on-one with those affected by the flood to develop and carry out recovery plans for that individual or family. The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) is offering the course Basic Disaster Case Management Monday and Tuesday, Oct. 31-Nov. 1 at the Hedding United Methodist Church, 40 Washington St., Barre. A Tuesday session will cover case-management forms. Interested? Ask questions or request an application from . Or call Katie Halliday, of FEMA, 617-816-6351.
National Weather Service in Burlington, VT
Roger Hill’s “Weathering Heights”
Local River Gauges:
Nationwide EAS (Emergency Alert System) Test Nov 9th 2pm eastern standard time. This event should serve as a reminder that everyone should establish an emergency preparedness kit and emergency plan for themselves, their families, pets, and businesses.

Some good links to help be prepared are

Red Cross preparedness

On one of the Red Cross pages from the above link there is this link for making emergency contact cards of info to keep on you:

Thursday, October 20, 2011


News to Know October 20

News to Know October 20, 2011

(Berlin residents may contact me at to be added to my email send list.)

Moonlight Madness is today (10/20) in Montpelier with discounts at many stores. Note that at Woodbury Mtn Toys the savings extend through Saturday
TED Talks – Ideas worth spreading. TED stands for “Technology Entertainment Design”. These are talks given at conferences and can be found at or go to and search on “TED Talks”. Lots of topics to pick from, there is bound to be several of interest. Some are just a few minutes long but others may be 15 – 20 minutes. I haven’t had time to watch many recently but some of my favorites are Sixth Sense Technology – it’s a mini-projector coupled with a camera and a cellphone – quite the demo on what is possible with technology ; Malcolm Gladwell on spaghetti sauce (have you wondered why we used to get by with just a couple brands and now the choices go on and on?) and I just watched; “Facebook and Google / Secret Revealed” talking about information being filtered / edited Let me know what your favorites are!

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22ND is the Big moving sale. 1727 Crosstown Road, Berlin. Tools, antiques, air hockey table, kitchen items, couches, holiday decorations, books, twin beds, bookshelf, kids games, etc. Stuff for kids and adults. 20 year collection from the attic to the basement and it all has to go to make it easier on the folks helping the family move just a few miles away! 9 a.m. start time. Rain or shine. No early birds. Indoor/outdoor sale. A pickers dream come true.
A Dad's Exercise Night at Berlin Elementary school has been started by Craig Frazier. It will run every other Thursday from 7:30pm to 9:15pm. A different sport will be picked for each night (hoop, hockey, volleyball, indoor soccer, wiffle ball). There will be a sign up list at the school for any interested dads. The next Dad’s Exercise Night is on Thursday, October 27th.***

The deadline for FEMA Individual Assistance is now November 15, 2011. The initial deadline was Oct. 31. With cold weather approaching the deadline has been extended to allow more Vermonters – many of whom have been distracted with storm cleanup – to seek federal assistance. Individual homeowners, renters, businesses, or others who suffered losses as a result of flooding at the end of August are eligible for assistance to repair their homes or to recover other losses. Even if damage is minor, or if you are unsure whether damage will be covered by federal grants, individuals should apply as soon as possible, the Governor said. To register for Individual Assistance disaster assistance, call 800-621-FEMA (3362). Those with a speech disability or hearing loss who use a TTY can call 800-462-7585 directly, or 800-621-3362, if using 711 or Video Relay Service. Registration can also be done online anytime at or through web-enabled mobile phone devices or smartphones at
The FEMA Disaster Recovery Center (DRC) remains open in Waterbury at the Fire Station. Monday – Saturday 9am - 5:30pm (note change in hours)
FREE ITEMS - if you’re looking for items or have items to offer – this website for free items has been around for years. Look for Washington County, Vermont.

Times Argus classifieds has a section “Vermont Recovery Resource” of free items and services to folks affected by the flooding.

At the October 17th Selectboard meeting it was decided to lift the Emergency
Health Ordinance at Westons Mobile Home Park.

FEELING STRESSED? Starting over Strong (SOS) is a short-term effort designed to find healthy ways to deal with the stress from the flood – Call 855-sos-vt00 (855-767-8800). To find out more about taking care of your mental and emotional health, go to and choose “After the Flood”.
Vermont Clean Up Day is October 22nd and several projects will be worked on in Berlin. The Town of Berlin will also continue Clean Up on Saturday, Oct 29th. If you need assistance or can offer assistance (physical labor along with equipment such as chainsaws including person to run it, backhoe/bulldozer, trucks for hauling away debris such as trees, etc. Please be in touch by return email or to . Another way you may be able to help is that there is one family who needs assistance with quite a bit of laundry that still needs to be done from the flooding.

If you’re participating in Clean Up Day 10/22, after you’ve worked up an appetite volunteering, stop by the Old Labor Hall from 2:30 to 5 for some free BBQ. Democratic members of the House of Representatives will be grilling up burgers and hot dogs for the volunteers. The food has been generously provided courtesy of the Vermont NEA, VSEA, Professional Firefighters and AFT.
Also remember the Music Fest over at ReStore Saturday 10/22 1pm – 8pm Adults $10 / kids free (802) 477-7800 (details in 10/16 posting)

From Shaun Gilpin at the CVOEO Mobile Home Project
Regarding the $1500 mobile home removal program:
Due to successful fundraising efforts, this removal can be provided to residents of mobile home parks at NO COST
We are going to need to ensure that homeowners have done a few things before homes can be removed from the park. Homeowners are going to have to:
- Be finished with their FEMA process (or decide that they don’t want to wait any longer)
- Ensure that there are no mortgages or other liens on the home
- Go to the Town Clerk and get documentation that all property taxes have been paid or abated
We are also going to need homeowners to provide:
- Proof of Identification (photo copy of driver’s license or some such document)
- A signed release form (which we will provide)
If you haven’t already, please ensure that there is nothing owed on the home (or request a release from the lender) and check with the Town clerk to ensure that no property taxes are owed. Once we finalize the release form and checklist, I will send those to you and we can set up a date to have your home removed.
There will be two opportunities on Monday, October 24th to meet with folks regarding removal of homes – at 2pm and again at 5pm. They are hoping to see the homes be torn down starting on Thursday.

On pm the Berlin School will be open to distribute food and other donated items to Saturday, October 22, 2011 from 9:00 am till 12:00 anyone in Berlin affected by the recent flooding. During our High Water Ho-Down Flood Relief fund raiser we collected many items for donation. Some of these include; bed linens, clothing, toiletries, small appliances and televisions. Each family will also receive a grocery bag of food. Please stop by the Berlin Elementary School on Saturday, October 22, from 9-12 to pick up anything that you may need. If you are not able to make it due to transportation, please call Jessica Heinz at 223-2796 ext. 118 at the school for assistance. Thank you so much and hope to see you on 10/22.

Thursday, October 20 – Clothing Donation Collection at the Berlin Congregational Church 8am – 6pm. Good, clean clothing needed for victims of the flood. Call to volunteer 229-4042 FREE Distribution on Saturday, October 22nd 8am – 2pm***
Multi-Family Rental Repair Program: The State of Vermont, in partnership with FEMA, is looking for multi-family properties uninhabitable before Tropical Storm Irene or not damaged by the flood. They prefer properties with a minimum of four units that, with some improvements, could accommodate Vermonters needing housing since Tropical Storm Irene. This unique opportunity will allow FEMA to fund rehabilitation activities for eligible properties that will, in turn, be made available to those displaced by the storm. For more information, please contact Lou Narciso at or by phone at 571-449-1821

Many redemption centers are participating in a bottle drive to support the Vermont Farm Disaster Relief Fund set up to provide flood-relief grants to Vermont Farmers. Clean returnable bottles and cans can be brought in to M&M Beverage Center or another participating center.

FREE & Open to ALL who were affected by the flooding. There is still plenty of gently used winter clothing, outerwear, shoes and household items at the Flood Distribution Center on Rt 100 in Waterbury Center across from Sunoco. Stop by to replace items lost in the flood. Hours: Mondays and Wednesday 9-noon and 5:30-7:30pm; Saturdays 9-noon. The center also has a message board to connect people with larger items to donated with those who need furniture, appliances, etc. Information changes often there.
Flood diaries: After the bucket brigades, Irene losses sink in:

Weston’s park moves closer to full reopening
By David Delcore
Staff Writer - Published: October 19, 2011
BERLIN — Weston’s Mobile Home Park is inching ever closer to reopening.

Barely 24 hours after persuading the Select Board to lift the emergency health order issued immediately after Tropical Storm Irene, Weston’s owner, Ellery Packard, was scheduled to meet with another town board Tuesday night to discuss local flood hazard regulations.

Town Administrator Jeff Schulz said Packard’s hearing before the Development Review Board probably wouldn’t result in an immediate decision. However, he said it should provide the basis for the board to swiftly issue findings and the permit Packard needs to reopen a substantial section of his 83-lot park. The park has been uninhabited since it was evacuated in the devastating August floodwaters of Irene.

Town officials promised Packard an expedited review that will presumably establish the ground rules for replacing or repairing nearly 70 mobile homes “substantially damaged” by Irene flooding along the Route 12 corridor in Berlin.

Select Board members briefly discussed that prospect at a Monday night meeting. They unanimously agreed that an emergency health order, which has barred overnight access to 70 mobile homes at Weston’s since Aug. 31, was no longer needed.

Although board members were told Packard is still removing oil-tainted soil from the property, they agreed sufficient progress had been made to justify lifting the order.

“It’s either safe or it isn’t,” board member Brad Towne said, adding that he believed the health order had served its purpose.

The board concluded as much after hearing from Packard; his environmental consultant, Brad Wheeler; and Schulz, who has worked with both men and monitors the park’s post-Irene status.

Schulz told the board that the park’s water system, disabled when a wall of water wiped out its pump station, was back on line. The water had been tested and cleared by the state Department of Environmental Conservation.

“It’s my opinion, based on the documentation, that the water issue for that park has been addressed,” Schulz said.

Although Schulz was unable to tell the board that contaminated soils have been removed from the site, he said he was comfortable enough with the plan outlined by Packard to recommend that the board lift the health order.

Packard told board members that with Wheeler’s help, he started excavating contaminated soil earlier in the day and had cleared 12 of the 70 affected lots before coming to the 7 p.m. meeting. In all, Packard said, he excavated 56 cubic yards of oil-tainted soil that was immediately trucked off site.

Packard said he was hoping to complete the excavation work the end of this week or early next week, though Wheeler, of Wheeler Environmental Services LLC, said that timeline may be optimistic.

According to Wheeler, some “hot spots” were cleared with a couple of passes with an excavator, while others required digging down 10 feet.

“It’s pretty unpredictable right now,” he said. “It’s entirely possible it could be two weeks’ worth of work.”

However, Wheeler said that in his professional opinion nothing about the levels of contamination or the ongoing excavation work posed a hazard to the park’s residents.

“I don’t think there should be any real concern with people occupying the site,” he said.

Packard assured the board he would not cut corners when it came to excavated contaminated soils atop the underground aquifer that feeds the park’s drinking water supply.

“I have a lot of money invested in this,” he said. “We will not stop until it’s completed.”

Packard said he had a vested interest in removing as much of the contaminated soil as possible.

“The more (contaminants) I get off my property, the less I’m going to own for the rest of my life,” he said of the soil contaminated when floodwaters toppled dozens of fuel tanks, spilling the contents onto the saturated ground.

The board’s decision eliminates a key obstacle to reopening the vast majority of the 83-lot park and should allow at least a couple of its tenants to immediately reoccupy their flood-damaged mobile homes. According to Schulz, those homes did not sustain flood damage that exceeded 50 percent of their value and, as a result, did not need to be brought into compliance with the town’s flood hazard regulations.

The same cannot be said of most of the 70 lots subject to the health order and part of a permit application that was scheduled to be considered by the local review board Tuesday night. Those lots remain off-limits until Packard obtains an umbrella permit for the park and zoning permits are issued to those renting individual lots.

Fees for obtaining the latter permits are a growing source of consternation, according to Schulz, who said several of the park’s tenants complained about paying the town an estimated $80 to $100 fee for a permit to flood-proof their mobile homes.

“Folks have been a little bit upset that they would be subject to the fee,” Schulz said.

After discussing the matter with the town’s attorney, Rob Halpert, Schulz said the board could opt to waive the fees. Due to concern about the potential precedent that might be set by such a decision, the board tabled action on the fee issue Monday night.

Affordable housing crunch, FEMA rules hurt flood victims
by Andrew Nemethy | October 18, 2011
WATERBURY — When it comes to housing damaged by tropical storm Irene, the numbers tell quite a story.
But so do the mind-numbing rules and regulations, obstacles and misunderstandings, and twists and turns that displaced Vermonters face as they try to cope with restoring homes or finding new housing.
All of that and much more was spelled out to key housing lawmakers in the Vermont House during a marathon session held Monday in Waterbury’s Congregational Church. And to punctuate what they were hearing, Rep. Tom Stevens, a member of the panel, took the General, Housing and Military Affairs committee on lunch and post-meeting tours to see with their own eyes the devastating impact Irene had on his town.
At Patterson’s mobile home park, opened in 1957, 19 units were destroyed and 33 people left homeless when the Winooski River backed up and circled in to flood the park, Ed Patterson told lawmakers. Owner of the park with his two brothers and mother Ramona, he wondered where many of his tenants were going to live now, noting one woman only paid $175 for rent, a bargain she was unlike to find anywhere else.
All day long the panel heard about the complexities and challenges Vermont agencies faces in rebuilding housing stock after Irene, and about the mismatch between what many of those who lost homes can pay and what replacement housing and rentals actually cost, or how rental housing is scarce in areas with the highest need.
“We’re all in this together and trying to push every lever” to find solutions, said Gus Seelig, executive director of the Vermont Housing and Conservation Board.
Perhaps no one put a starker face on the situation than Jennifer Hollar, Deputy Commissioner of the Department of Economic, Housing & Community Development, who came armed with the latest tally of Irene’s toll.
She called the numbers she presented “staggering” and the impact on Vermonters’ “heartbreaking.”
Her Irene list included:
• 225 communities impacted, 45 severely
• More than 1,300 residential properties damaged, many severely, primarily in Washington, Windsor, Windham and Rutland Counties .
• 433 mobile homes damaged or destroyed in 15 mobile home parks
• 1,200 homeowners permanently or temporarily displaced, according to the latest FEMA figures
• 986 homes recorded by FEMA that received more than $10,000 in damage.
She said approximately 70 percent of the damage done by Irene was inflicted on private homes, and 40 percent of those were lived in or owned by low-income Vermonters.
In what Hollar called “a very good development,” she revealed that plans to use FEMA trailers for temporary housing had been dropped and they were no longer being considered because they were deemed inappropriate in Vermont’s winter climate.
She said a plan to purchase mobile homes as a replacement is under consideration. She also said a housing task force with 25 members is working to identify how to address all the problems created or exacerbated by Irene.
A FEMA official told the panel that more than 6,400 Vermonters had registered with FEMA and the number of new registrations for damage assistance were slowing down. The deadline to register is Oct. 31 and he said a big push is planned for outreach to alert all homeowners that time is running short.
“We really want folks, even if they don’t think they need to register, to register,” said Hollar.
While a parade of speakers including FEMA representatives praised extensive cooperation and organization across numerous agencies, there wasn’t much sugarcoating of the difficulties that face the state and homeowners.
Mobile homeowners are caught in a Catch-22. They must not remove their damaged trailers if they hope to get FEMA funds. However many mobile home owners face being charged rental for destroyed homes they are not living in. The state is pushing a program to assist mobile home owners who want to dispose of their property, said Shaun Gilpin, a mobile home advocate with the Champlain Valley Office of Economic Opportunity.
But if they go ahead and remove the mobile homes, they put any FEMA money in jeopardy, he said.
“Some people are definitely going to lose out,” he said. “But frankly, at this point, eight weeks out, there’s a lot of people tired of waiting.”
Another wrinkle is the way FEMA and the Small Business Administration work in tandem, according to Carl Sherrill of the SBA. He noted that many homeowners don’t bother to apply for an SBA low-interest loan, not realizing that sometimes rejection by SBA can lead to more funds from FEMA.
Sherrill said the SBA can provide triple the funds that FEMA does but many don’t take advantage for various reasons. SBA loans have a very low interest rate of 2.5 percent and can even be rolled into existing home mortgages, he said.
Sherrill said the SBA has disbursed $13 million in loans compared to $17 million to $18 million in FEMA grants, but only 13 percent to 15 percent of those who register with FEMA fill out a “15 minute” SBA application.
Arthur Hamlin, who oversees mobile homes for the Department of Economic, Housing & Community Development, said mobile home owners aren’t the only ones in crisis. Park owners are facing their own disaster, since they are not eligible for FEMA loans and many have lost all their rental income. He cited two parks that need loans of $400,000 and $600,000 to rebuild. The cost of reconstruction will have an impact on future rents and affordable housing availability for low-income Vermonters.
Also, because of many parks are often located close to a river, they face thorny flood zone issues. Most were built before 1970 and were grandfathered in before zoning and floodplain regulations that now may make rebuilding difficult, he said.
Gilpin said the future of mobile home parks “is a huge issue for a number of reasons.”
Seelig echoed that concern, noting that rebuilding the infrastructure or building a mobile home park from scratch is going to be financially tough.
“The numbers just don’t work very well,” he said.
In one encouraging note, Gilpin said the state is progressing on a plan to remove damaged mobile homes for $1,500 each or less, using economies of scale, which perhaps may bring the cost down to zero. Average costs to remove a damaged mobile home are $4,000-8,000 but the average FEMA grant was $5,000-$10,000, so removal would eat up most of the payment, at a time when some renters are still liable for a mortgages or rent, he said.
Sarah Carpenter, director of the Vermont Housing Finance Agency, said homeowners face “a very painful process” with finding refinancing mortgages for repairs, especially if they want to buy mobile homes, where there is little financing available.
Rep. Helen Head, D-S. Burlington, the chairwoman of the Housing Committee, said the daylong hearing was intended to get a “snapshot” of the issues as lawmakers prepare for the upcoming session. She said the goal was for legislators to get a clearer sense of the major public policy issues facing the state before the Legislature convenes

Sunday, October 16, 2011


News to Note October 16th

Please be sure to check previous postings at There has been so much news lately that I just can’t possible repeat it all in each update.
On Friday a letter was sent out to all Berlin residents on the grand list – they were headed “Town of Berlin, Important Flood Information – Read Carefully October 13, 2011” Most folks should have received them Saturday or perhaps will on Monday. A copy of it can be picked up at the Town Office if you did not receive one. Please note in the letter we did let an error get by us – the ReStore in Barre would love household items, furniture and building materials, however, they do NOT take clothing. Clothing can go to either the Berlin Congregational Church this week (see below) or the Drop N Swap at Norwich Univ (see below)
Have your calendar handy…

We’re working out the logistics of getting some physical labor type of help to Berlin residents who were affected by the Irene flooding. We’re primarily focused on what can take place on Saturday the 22nd but will continue to match up volunteers and those needing help on other days. IF YOU NEED ASSISTANCE, please contact Corinne Stridsberg by reply email or ; IF YOU CAN PROVIDE ASSISTANCE, please also contact Corinne. In particular folks are needed who can bring and operate a chain saw and also a backhoe would be extremely useful. We may need folks with trucks. We also need just general assistance – folks should wear appropriate clothing including gloves and preferably boots.

FEELING STRESSED? Starting over Strong (SOS) is a short-term effort designed to find healthy ways to deal with the stress from the flood – Call 855-sos-vt00 (855-767-8800). To find out more about taking care of your mental and emotional health, go to and choose “After the Flood”.

Very sorry to share the news the Ellie’s pumpkin display will not take place this year.
West Berlin, Vermont - October 7, 2011
One of Vermont's oldest and largest Halloween pumpkin displays has been canceled this year.
The folks at Ellie's Farm Market in West Berlin have been wowing visitors for the past 33 years by lighting up to 1,000 jack-o'-lanterns in the woods and fields around the farm stand.
The pumpkins are all hand-carved in a labor of love led by owner Karen Moynihan. But the Moynihans say the show will not go on this year due to an illness in the family.

Heather’s Nearly New – still has some funds available to use for store items for folks who were impacted by Tropical Storm Irene. Stop by and see Heather at 62 River Street At Heather’s Nearly New you’ll find baby clothing and equipment, children’s clothing up to size 16, trendy maternity wear, toys, books, shoes and women’s clothing & winter coats. They’ll always looking to buy gently used clothing by appoint, paying in cash or store credit. Hours: Monday – Friday 10am – 5pm and Saturday 10am – 4pm. There’s even some Halloween costumes! Find Heather on facebook where she posts photos of some of her new items:!/profile.php?id=100000659766872

$600 / 2 bedroom (625 sq ft) cute and funky barn apartment with picture window. Slayton Ave off Rt 12 South
This second floor apartment has a good-sized studio/living room with a big picture window looking out at beautiful farmland, with an efficient kitchen, one main bedroom and another smaller bedroom with the small bathrooom off this room. The drive to town takes under 5 minutes, so you have the best of the country without long drives to work or shop--we are on a paved, well-traveled road. The heating system is a brand new oil furnace, and with plastic on the windows, you'll be toasty this winter. Ceilings are new and tight, and the barn beams give this space a rustic feel. Commune with nature on 75 acres of forest and farmland complete with snowshoe trails and swimming hole, or commune with your neighbors--we are friendly! If you're handy and want to do some of your own maintenance, I'll negotiate it off the rent. Heat and utilities are paid by the renter, trash removal and parking space included in rent. Animals are negotiable. First month's rent and $300 deposit, and agreement in writing that one month's notice or equivalent rent will be given if moving out. $300 deposit will be returned if apartment is undamaged when tenant leaves. Call Gale at 802-223-5658 until 9:00 pm.

$975 / 2 bedroom – 1200 sq ft Townhouse in Berlin. 4479 Route 12 South 5 minute drive to Montpelier. Large cozy 2 bedroom townhouse in country setting. Off street parking, rubbish, plowing, heated storage unit, coin-op laundry, no pets/smoking. $975 plus utilities. If you want heat and hot water included we can do it for $1075. This 2 bedroom townhouse style apartment has 1200 square feet of space. On the first floor is the kitchen that has a dishwasher, full size fridge and electric stove. The living room is large with which includes a very large closet. There is a 1/2 bath is on the first floor . The second floor has a full bath and two bedrooms with large closets. 802-793-6828

Thursday, October 20 – Clothing Donation Collection at the Berlin Congregational Church 8am – 6pm. Good, clean clothing needed for victims of the flood. Call to volunteer 229-4042 FREE Distribution on Saturday, October 22nd 8am – 2pm***

FREE Karen Kitzmiller Memorial Winter Coat Drive – until Oct 21st donate clean good quality winter coats, snowpants, boots, ats, and mittens. All sizes-Adult & Children. Also collecting quilts, comforters and blankets. Donate at Community National bank 95 State St. Montpelier or 316 N. Main St Barre 8am – 5pm. On Saturday, October 22nd 9am – NOON pick-up locations: Montpelier City Hall or Community National Bank in Barre.

FREE Annual Drop N Swap of clothing at Norwich Univ at Plumley Armory.
Drop: Friday, Oct 21 noon – 6pm, Swap: Sat. Oct 22nd 9am-3pm.
Please separate clothing from rags and label bags: “women’s,” “men’s,” “children’s” or “rags” No boxes or hangers, please. Shes, bags and coats are accepted. This FREE clothing Drop ‘N Swap diverts clothing, linens, and rags from the wase stream and redistributes quality items through the community thanks to the Salvation Army of Barre.
Big moving sale. 1727 Crosstown Road, Berlin. Tools, antiques, air hockey table, kitchen items, couches, holiday decorations, books, twin beds, bookshelf, kids games, etc. Stuff for kids and adults. 20 year collection from the attic to the basement and it all has to go. 9 a.m. start time. Rain or shine. No early birds. Indoor/outdoor sale. A pickers dream come true. (see previous post for details regarding this home which is for sale)

Montpelier Ski & Skate Swap at Montpelier High School Saturday, October 22, 9AM - 2PM Bring items to sell: Thurs, Oct 20th from 4 – 7 PM and Friday, Oct 21st from 9AM-7PM The Mplr Rec Dept reserves the right to refuse any equipment. Pick-up for items not sold will be from 4:30-6PM after the sale. Volunteers will be needed for this event.***
Saturday October 22nd 11am at Bear Pond Books – Katherine & John Paterson are welcomed back – have you seen their new book, “The Flint Heart”.
RESTORE IN BARRE WORK MORNING AND MUSICAL AFTERNOONWe will begin the day participating in "Vermont Clean-Up Day" on Oct 22 - a day for Vermonters to come together and help those who were most affected by Tropical Storm Irene.
ReSTORE Barre. Both groups are meeting at 8:00AM Saturday morning and we would love to have you join us. For more information about the meet-up, please call ReSTORE Barre at 802.477.7800 x20
We will complete the day with a ReSOURCE Fall Music Festival! Please Join us for a great line-up of music, food, and fun! We’ll have Jerry Greenfield scooping FREE Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream, Balloon Animals, Face Painting, Paper Mache Petting Zoo, Sausage from Vermont Smoke & Cure, and MORE! Our music line-up includes:
The Re-Bops | 1:00PM; Jon Gailmor | 2:00PM ; Lewis Franco and The Brown-Eyed Girls | 3:00PM ; Cold Country Bluegrass Band | 4:00PM ; Kat Wright & the Indomitable Soul Band | 6:00PM - 8:00PM ; Tickets | Adults $10.00 | FREE for Children
Proceeds from this event benefit ReSOURCE: A Nonprofit Community Enterprise. ReSOURCE is raising funds to restore a historic granite shed located at 28 Granite Street in downtown Barre. Purchase tickets in advance or at the door. Call (802) 477-7800 for more information.

October 22, 2011Kids can dress up in their favorite costume for trick or treating. From 10:30 - 12:00 trick-or-treat at participating stores in the mall and on Church Street in Burlington. Then at noon enjoy a street parade. Pick up a free Halloween bag from the gorilla at Burlington Town Center at 10:30am. Trick or treat at stores with pumpkins in the windows from 10:30am-Noon Wear a costume and join the parade leaving City Hall at Noon***

FREE Saturday, October 29th 5:30pm – 7pm Costumed kids and their parents are invited to the annual fun evening at the Recreation Department on Barre Street in Montpelier. There will be Games, Fun, Marco the Magician, and refreshments. This event is co-sponsored through the combined efforts of Montpelier Recreation Department, Police Department, Fire Department, and the VFW.
FREE Sunday, October 30 2pm – 4pm Malloween celebration at the Berlin Mall. Trick-or-treat throughout all the stores in the mall starting at 2pm sharp! Enjoy all the spooky festivities with radio stations FRANK-FM and FROGGY-FM including costume contests, bouncy house fun, and a parade through the mall.
Sunday, October 30, 10am – 1pm Haunted Happenings @ Shelburne Museum -Calling all young ghosts, goblins and witches! Come celebrate Halloween at this annual event on the grounds of Shelburne Museum. Come in costume and enjoy a fun filled family day filled of trick-or-treating at the museum's exhibit buildings. This year the as Museum staff recreate scenes from your favorite Saturday-morning cartoons! Members: Free; Non-Members $5, parking is free. Please help them make their event more environmentally friendly by bringing a reusable bag for trick-or-treating.

If you go to the Shelburne Museum then you might want to also to to the Annual Town of Shelburne Halloween Parade and Festivities also on Oct 30th.
12:45 Floats line up at Shelburne Shopping Park
2:00 Parade Begins on Falls Road
3:00 Music, Hot Dogs, & Popcorn at the Fire Station
3:30 Costume Contest in town gym (ALL AGES!)
3:30 - 4:30 Trick-or-treating, games, candy, raffle prize in Town Gym
Food Drive to stock the Shelburne Food Shelf - Please bring a non-perisable food donation to the Town Gym and get a special prize

October 30, 2011 Night Before Halloween Family Party @ U-MallThe annual Night-Before-Halloween Family Party at University Mall. Kiddos from the local community and beyond can enjoy a safe, indoor environment for Halloween fun.
2:00pm - 5:00pm: Bouncy Castles by BouncearoundVT.
3:00pm: Spooky Story Time with Thea Lewis.
3:30pm: Haunted Bingo: Kids can win cool prizes playing bingo in center court.
4:00pm: VT Children's Hospital/Kohl's check presentaion with Dr. Lewis First and Monty Moose.
4:10pm: Spooky Music Time with "Gigi and Joni". Gigi Weisman is an educational consultant and story teller who uses her years of experience to engage children and families in singing and movement activities. Joni AvRutick is a songwriter and an elementary school teacher at the Schoolhouse in South Burlington.
5:00pm: Trick-or-Treating store to store.
Mall closes at 6:00pm. Food Court REMAINS OPEN until 7:00pm. IHOP and Applebee's also open until 10:00pm.


FEMA Myths and Facts about the National Flood Insurance Program. Interesting and informative read for those recently affected along with other folks who I think are checking into the details of what they have for insurance coverage

Residents who suffered a loss of essential household items in their primary residence, can apply for a voucher for ReSTORE Burlington or ReSTORE Barre to be used to help purchase the following items: washers, dryers, refrigerators, stoves, furniture, and other basic household essentials. For those who have suffered structural damage, vouchers are available for building materials through ReBUILD Burlington and ReBUILD Barre. These items include lumber, doors, flooring (if available), and water heaters (if available).
How to apply: ReLIEF Essential Goods Vouchers in the greater Barre area:
ReSTORE Barre | 28 Granite Street, Barre Contact: (802) 477.7800 x20
Note: they will hold the voucher for you so that you can shop when you're ready but know that it will be available to you.

DONATE: Those of you who are able to donate in the form of donated goods (used furniture, building materials, home goods) and cash donation would be greatly appreciated to help with this ReSource / ReLief Voucher Program.

VT Public Health Dept website has lots of information. Topics include: drinking water safety and free test kits, food safety and flood affected crops, safety during clean-up, detailed guide for home clean-up, N95 masks and gloves at district offices and good general information . Check the Vermont Department of Health’s facebook page for the most recent health alerts.

Chappelle potatoes – you can still purchase pre picked 50 lb bags of potatoes from their warehouse in Williamstown on South Hill Road throughout the season. Cost varies depending on what class of potatoes you choose – 50lb bags #1s $16, chefs $20, bakers $22, unclassifieds $6 and unclassified chefs $9. Call Bob or Barbara Chappelle at 433-5930

Liberty Orchard, West Street, Brookfield. Short, easy-to-pick trees. Monday – Thurs. 1pm m- 5pm, Friday – Sunday 10am – 5pm. 802-276-3161 Final days may be Friday Oct 21 and Saturday Oct 22 – check their website for any updates.

The UVM Horticulture Research Center's annual fall apple sales will occur every Friday through October from 10am to 4pm at the farm. Available varieties will change each week as the ripening season progresses. Apple pricing is $1 per pound for all fruit. Bulk orders and interdepartmental purchases are welcome. Proceeds help fund research and education programs at the Hort Farm every year. Apples from the Certified Organic crop, the product of a major USDA-funded project led by Plant and Soil Science professor Lorraine Berkett, are available while limited supplies last. Information: , 658-9166. Directions can be found at:

American Red Cross public meeting - Oct 26th 6:30pm-7:30pm at the Barre Auditorium. This meeting is to provide people with an overview of the challenges faced in the wake of a disaster and how the Red Cross is prepared to respond. If you have an interest in becoming a Red Cross volunteer, it's a chance to find out more about what that might entail.

A Dad's Exercise Night at Berlin Elementary school has been started by Craig Frazier. It will run every other Thursday from 7:30pm to 9:15pm. A different sport will be picked for each night (hoop, hockey, volleyball, indoor soccer, wiffle ball). There will be a sign up list at the school for any interested dads. The next Dad’s Exercise Night is on Thursday, October 27th.

In accordance with the provisions of 24 V.S.A. §§ 962, 963 and the Berlin Town Charter, the Berlin Select Board hereby announces a vacancy on the Berlin Select Board. In addition, the Town of Berlin is seeking a volunteer to serve as an alternate on the Berlin Development Review Board, and a volunteer to represent the Town of Berlin on the Regional Transportation Technical Advisory Committee. For more info. Regarding these positions, please contact the Town Administrator at 223-4405. Individuals interested in these positions should submit a letter of interest to the Town Administrator, Town of Berlin, 108 Shed Road, Berlin, VT 05602, or via email at Please include in your letter or email the committee or position you wish to serve. The deadline for submitting a letter for the Select Board position is 10/31/11.
Town of Berlin Select Board is seeking volunteers to participate in a hiring committee to review & recommend to the Selectboard qualified candidates for the Town Treasurer position. Pursuant to the Town Charter, the committee shall consist of 3 Select Board members & 4 residents of the Town of Berlin. This process will take approx. 2 mos & a new treasurer will be hired by 1/25/12. For more info., please contact the Town Administrator at 223-4405. In addition, the Town of Berlin has vacanies on the Planning Commission & Economic Development Committee. Individuals interested in serving on a committee should submit a letter of interest to the Town Admin., Town of Berlin, 108 Shed Road, Berlin, VT 05602, or via email at Please include in your letter or email the committee or position you wish to serve. Deadling for submitting letters for the Treasurer Hiring Committee is 10/31/11.

In the October issue of KidsVT there is not only lots of great information of family events and activities, there is also a Kidstown coupon for “$5 off any purchase of $20 or more” and 3 coupons for Zachary’s including the Waterbury location. Kidstown has kids toys, clothing and furniture and is located on Farrell Street in South Burlington. KidsVT can be found online

Vermont Tech Jam 2011 “Careers – Education – Networking” presented by
Friday and Saturday October 28 & 29 at the Borders Building 29 Church St, Burlington. Meet up with Vermont’s most dynamic and innovative companies; apply for a job or an internship; learn about tech-related educational opportunities; network with other like-minded professionals; they’re even advertising to bring your middle and high school students on Friday to see IBM fellow John Cohn with his “Jolts and Volts” presentation at 11am and a “Women in Science and Technology” panel at 12:30pm. Hopefully some of the schools are bringing students to this. They say you could win an iPad 2 just for attending. Visit more info. regarding these positions, please contact the Town Administrator at 223-4405. Individuals interested in these positions should submit a letter of interest to the Town Administrator, Town of Berlin, 108 Shed Road, Berlin VT 05602, or via email at . Please include in your letter or email the committee or position you wish to serve. The deadline for submitting a letter for the Select Board position is 10/31/11.***

The Central Vermont Swim Club still has space available at both the First in Fitness and Norwich facilities. If you’re interested, please register as soon as possible so we can reserve a spot for your swimmer. (CVSC) offers competitive and non-competitive swim programs for youth ages 6-18 in the Central Vermont area. All participants must be able to swim at least one pool length (25 yards) without stopping. There are two locations to choose from: Norwich University and First in Fitness Berlin. The competitive program swims at Norwich only. Non-competitive can swim at either location. Norwich is on Monday, Tuesday & Thursday 6:30pm -8pm Oct 24- Feb 23. (Comp. $480 / Non-Comp $345) First in Fitness is on Monday & Wednesday 6pm – 7:15pm Oct 24 – Feb 22 ($230). For more details and registration form contact:

Letter to the Editor Published: October 15, 2011Describing what the Barre Rotary Spring Home Show has meant to our community presents its challenges.
It has meant many different things to the businesses and consumers who have come to the Civic Center on Auditorium Hill each spring to experience and participate in this annual event.
It has been more than a stage for businesses and organizations to present their products and services. It has also been a Health Fair, a playground, a Country Kitchen, a meeting place for neighbors and friends. It has been an opportunity for consumers to make a deal, or to learn about a project they hope to do.
The Home Show has been a fundraiser for the Barre Rotary Club. Net proceeds have always been given to charitable organizations and programs, benefiting our communities. With more than 50 years of Home Shows, hundreds of thousands of dollars have been raised and donated.
It is with a great reluctance that we have come to a decision not to continue with the Barre Rotary Spring Exposition or Home Show. We would like to thank the many businesses, current and in the past, who have supported us by being a vendor.
If you have ever attended a Home Show as a visitor, we’d like to thank you, too. This has always been a community event and Rotarians merely created a framework for the people of Barre and Central Vermont to support one another.
Rotarians will continue with community service. Rotary will explore new ideas for fundraising and we will continue to provide people an opportunity to come together in the spirit of community.
We will look for you at the Aldrich Library Breakfast each year. We plan to volunteer in helping other organizations where we can. If you see a Give-A-Gallon paint can in a business, dropping a few dollars or coins will help with fuel assistance and flood relief.
Rotarians will be helping out at the Vermont Granite Museum, and with other service clubs, to honor the volunteers and heroes in Barre at the annual Joint Service Club Recognition dinner.
We will clean up Quarry Hill on Green Up Day, and we will create other projects designed to build our community.
As we close the doors of the Home Show at the BOR, we are looking to open other doors of opportunity that can be as lasting and meaningful as the Barre Rotary Home Show has been.
Roy Somaini
Barre Town

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


News to Know Oct 12

Please email me at if you're a Berlin resident who would like to be added to my email list to receive this information.

Additional information can be found on facebook:


American Red Cross public meetings - Oct 13th 6:30pm-7:30pm at Montpelier City Hall (City Council Chambers) and Oct 26th 6:30pm-7:30pm at the Barre Auditorium. These meetings are to provide people with an overview of the challenges faced in the wake of a disaster and how the Red Cross is prepared to respond. If you have an interest in becoming a Red Cross volunteer, it's a chance to find out more about what that might entail.

Oct 13th at the Brown Public Library Community Room at 7pm in Northfield - FREE Button Up workshop specifically for building owners in flood affected communities. Attend and get answers to questions about repair and rebuilding for energy efficiency and health & safety. There will be a presentation by a Building Performance Institute certifed contractor and additional experts on hand to answer questions about dealing with drying walls and basements, addressing mold, and improving building efficiency while rebuilding. Please take advantage of this great opportunity!

ARE YOU REPLACING YOUR HEATING AND/OR HOT WATER SYSTEM? Homeowners and small business owners doing so should check out the rebates offered by Efficiency Vermont for furnaces, water heaters and storage units, even pellet central heating systems. This rebate is for residential and small business heating system installations up to 250 mbh. Those installing larger systems may use Efficiency Vermont’s standard rebate. Funding for the flood-related rebates is limited. Call Efficiency Vermont to ensure there is funding for your request and to receive a rebate reservation number which will hold a rebate for you through Nov. 30. Efficiency Vermont is also offers rebates on clothes washers, refrigerators and dehumidifiers. And it can send technicians to your home to conduct a free energy-efficiency assessment to help with rebuilding to reduce heat loss, guard against mold growth, and ensure carbon monoxide safety. For information on all of these programs, call 888-921-5990 or visit


FEMA DEADLINE APPROACHING: Oct. 31 is the final day to register with the Federal Emergency Management Agency for flood disaster assistance. FEMA reps are still working at the Main Street Fire Station Mon-Sat 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. If you had flood damage, register. And if you have registered and have changed housing arrangements, update your information with FEMA so you can receive the full benefits you qualify for. Residents who have not returned home or have not found a new permanent home may qualify for ongoing FEMA rent assistance and FEMA also has updated housing information. Stop by or call 1-800-621-FEMA (3362) or visit

Please note that Oct 31st is also the deadline for SBA


PET ANIMALS: Central Vermont Humane Society is able to help your cats, dogs, or other small domestic companion animals receive the food, litter, basic supplies, and/or financial support they need to begin to recover from the impact of flooding caused by Irene. Support levels are determined by CVHS. Please apply online or in person at their Adoption Center on Rte 14 in East Montpelier. Call the animal shelter at 476-3811 x103, or email CVHS newsletter on Animals in Disasters:


Oct. 22 VERMONT CLEAN UP DAY - is to help all families and communities impacted by the storm to prepare for the upcoming winter season. The Governor said Clean Up Day will signal an aggressive single-day push for financial donations for Irene recovery, coordinate volunteers with communities that need help cleaning up from the storm, and allow people to donate to specific families who were impacted by Irene. In future years, the event will become a way to help all Vermonters in need prepare for the coming winter. For Vermont Clean Up Day 2011 on October 22nd, there will be three ways people can help. By visiting, you can:

1. Make a monetary donation to the VT Disaster Relief Fund or other charity of your choice. Details for organizations involved in the relief and rebuilding effort can be found on the web.

2. Sign up to volunteer on Clean Up Day by joining a volunteer team designed to tackle a project in one of our affected communities, or organize a volunteer effort in your town if you are aware of a need. In addition to volunteer labor, we are also looking for skilled laborers like plumbers, electricians, and heavy equipment operators who are willing to donate their time on this one day to help their neighbors in need.

3. Donate to a specific need for a Vermont family through the "goods exchange" or through your local volunteer coordinator or food shelf. This list and your local coordinators will match needs with goods to help families who lost their homes and belongings get reestablished.


Tuesday, Oct 25th - Team Up "For Flood Relief" at The Wayside Restaurant sponsored by UPS & Keating Construction. Food drive between noon & 5pm - drop off a non-perishable food item for local food shelves at the UPS Flame Car and from 5-9pm DINNER BENEFIT with 25% of dinner proceeds will be donated to Green Mtn United Way for local flood relief needs.

TRAVELING IN VERMONT - If you’re looking to make a trip somewhere in Vermont (or out of Vermont), be sure to check out some of the websites available regarding road closures: and


In previous emails I’ve mentioned ReStore in Barre and the Donation Center in Waterbury for items you may need, another source for some reasonably priced furniture:

Second Chance Wood Furniture, 64 Middle Road, South Barre, VT 802-476-6882 or 479-1319 They list a lot of the furniture they have on (then go to “for sale”, “furniture”, and you can narrow down your search either by the type of item you’re looking for or the town you hope to find it in) . If there are items you’re looking for, call or go by and they just might be able to help you with items they have tucked away. Cash only.


Homeshare - you never know, it might at least help out in the short term There are folks who are willing to have somebody stay with them for just 2 weeks, others for longer, some even a year. When you call Homeshare at 479-8544, you will have about a 15 minute conversation with them and if you called in the morning, they should be able to let you know by the end of the day if they believe they have a home that might be a fit for your situation.


Vermont State Housing Authority (VSHA)

VSHA may have the ability to serve an additional, approximate 140 households. VSHA proposes to use this funding to serve displaced individuals and families affected by Hurricane Irene in Vermont. As such, public notices (available at under “Informational Resources”) serve two purposes:

1.Proposal to establish a new Presidentially Declared Disaster Preference; and

2.Proposal to open the VSHA Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher waitlist to serve households that are eligible for the Presidentially Declared Disaster Preference. In addition, it is anticipated that VSHA may be able to serve some additional households, with other preferences, who are already on the VSHA Sect. 8 HCV waitlist. For additional information, call 802-828-3295 (voice); 800-798-3118 (TTY); 800-820-5119 (messages).



Great family home located at 1727 Crosstown Road, Berlin VT is 3,000 plus square feet, new roof, very attractive architectural design, large custom cherry kitchen, 3 baths (master bath just redone with custom tile and high end fixtures), office, four bedroom, balcony, year round sun room, full basement, oversized two car garage with second floor storage area (could be large office?). Grounds include stone walls, perennials and fruit trees. Hardwood or tile flooring through out, second floor sitting area, living room, large dining room, two wood fireplaces (Avalon insert in one), partially paved driveway, custom spiral stair way (plus second primary stairs), mud room , and lots of windows. Privacy yet convenient to all of Central VT. Located high above any potential flood lands. Lots more to offer -must see. Base board oil hot water boiler system. 200 amp electrical entrance and high speed Internet. In ground septic and drilled well. Combo of open and wooded land. Small out building/shed (older construction, good for a bit of storage) Priced at $445k and being sold by owner. Shown by appointment only, please call 802-229-5174 to schedule. Many pictures are available upon request.One of the finest looking homes in Berlin. Current owners have loved living here for the past 17 years. Available for immediate sale. See a few photos at:


One of a kind property: four bedroom manufactured home on 1.8 acres at 109 Glinnis Road in West Berlin, with an attached 500 sq ft accessory apartment. Level land, peaceful privacy and an apartment that's perfect for a family member, houseguests, surly teenagers or to bring in a little rent. This home is 2,580 square feet and has a convenient handicap ramp out front. The master bedroom has a large walk-in-closet, a garden tub and a "parents retreat" room. Lots of possibilities with this home. Located near the Cox Brook, you've got to see it to believe it. The apartment has its own entrance in the back with a small deck and handicap ramp along with an eat-in kitchen, full-size fridge, small stove, full counters and cabinets, living room, separate bedroom with closet and large handicap accessible bathroom. Listed price $185,000 and the owners are prepared to move as soon as it sells. You can find lots of photos at:

Saturday, October 08, 2011


Help Needed

Help is Needed for some of our friends and neighbors -

The top issue for many folks is that they need housing and affordable apartments are in short supply.

Several folks along Route 12 need some help (this weekend if possible or sometime soon) clearing some debris on their property. People who have chainsaws and are willing to come run them would be extremely helpful although just folks who can lift and carry would help too.

One gentleman lost his chicken coop and would greatly appreciate assistance in building a new one. Any lumber that could be donated to help with this effort would also be appreciated.

Another person needs help from somebody with a power washer. This may be a need that others have also.

There is at least one person (and I'm thinking others) who lost tools and several cords of wood.

There are many who need appliances and furniture. It seems the best way to do this would be to donate items to the ReStore at 28 Granite Street in Barre where they are doing a fanstatic job with their voucher system of getting what's needed where it needs to go. It's also a good place to donate household goods. Many folks aren't in a position yet to get the items they need so please know that there will be continued needs to be met over the next few months for all of these items.

Monetary donations are still needed - donations are going from our town down to Central VT Community Action where they are being placed in a fund which will help folks with their long term needs. Checks can be made payable to Berlin Flood Relief and sent to our town.

We're still working on determining what needs folks have - folks have been busy with many immediate needs such as getting a working furnace.

Are you willing to donate your time? Whether it's physical labor or other help such as making phone calls or visits to check in with folks, please let me know and we'll try to match it up with the needs.

Although I've lived in town for years and lived here as a teenager, there are many, many folks I am just now meeting who live in our town. Folks need help. Winter is around the corner. A couple of your hours will make a difference.


Berlin Flooding

A couple of these items say to see the attached documents - please contact me and we can try to connect with the details.
Please see that attached documents about a concert to be held next Monday 10/10 in Stowe - tickets are regularly $25-$50 per person but are being offered FREE for flood victims. Have any interested individuals or families fill out the attached voucher and bring it with them to the event. I've also attached the press release and flyer with details about the event. Please distribute widely! concert details:
For your convenience, please find attached a copy of the ReStore Voucher Request Form in case you haven't filled one out yet. If you are able to print it out and fill it out before going to the store you may find that easier. They do however have forms at the ReStore which is located at 28 Granite Street in Barre. You do need to BRING the form in with you, please don't mail them. Vouchers that they award can be kept on file if you're not ready to actually get what you need yet - it will "reserve" the money from the fund for you though.
On the form where it asks "What essential items do you need?" - this would be where you would mention if there are particular appliances or furniture that you are in need of or maybe it's something else like a kids stroller. And where it says - "Please explain what special circumstances brought you here today" please note here that it's Irene Flooding.
Northern Vermont Associated General Contractors of Vermont: These links with with lists of contractors was passed along to me to potentially help residents still in need of estimates for FEMA.
Notes on housing:

Vermont Housing Task Force - apparently they believe most people are all set on housing, please call and let them know if you still are in need of short and/or long term housing
Homeshare - you never know, it might at least help out in the shorterm There are folks who are willing to have somebody stay with them for just 2 weeks, others for longer, some even a year. When you call Homeshare at 479-8544, you will have about a 15 minute conversation with them and if you called in the morning, they should be able to let you know by the end of the day if they believe they have a home that might be a fit for your situation.
Craigslist - the ads you see here are not necessarily in the newspapers
Don't forget to check community bulletin boards for ads - such as at the Co-op
Vermont State Housing Authority
Vermont Housing DATA - well worth checking this page! /
Times Argus
Ask family and friends to check the bulletin boards and newsletters where they work for information about housing - National Life, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, the State, and others have ways they share information.
Vacancy lists
The FEMA Disaster Recovery Center (DRC) in Waterbury at the fire station is now the only close DRC what with the one in Barre and Northfield closing. Please note it's only open 6 days a week Monday - Saturday 8am -6pm and will be closed Monday for Columbus Day.

We are encouraging everyone at Weston MHP to register with FEMA before the October 31st deadline. This includes the folks up in the back on the "Extensions" and on First Street. I got around and spoke to most of them today. Best to have registered just in case then to wish you had. Register by calling toll-free 800-621-FEMA (3362), online at or via a web-enabled mobile device at
Following is a summary of some disaster assistance available:

Legal Services. Those facing legal issues due to Tropical Storm Irene may call 800-889-2047 for free legal advice. Those who qualify for assistance will be matched with Vermont lawyers volunteering their time. Legal assistance may include help with insurance claims, home repair contracts and contractors, building permits, replacement of wills and other legal documents destroyed in the disaster and counseling on mortgage-foreclosure problems and landlord/tenant problems.

Disaster Unemployment assistance is available to those whose jobs were permanently or temporarily lost due to the disaster, including those who are self-employed. To apply call the Vermont Department of Labor’s Claim Assistance Line at 877-214-3330. The deadline has been extended to November 21, 2011.

Renters – not just homeowners – who had damage due to the storm are encouraged to register with FEMA. Renters may receive grants to replace lost property or if they were displaced from their homes, they may be eligible for temporary rental assistance. These funds are for a limited period until the renter’s previous home is again habitable or they find another permanent rental.

Well and Septic Repair assistance is available for those whose wells were contaminated or septic systems damaged as a result of flooding, including repair or replacement. Funds may be available to pump a septic tank, or reimburse renters forced to vacate their homes due to septic problems.

Flooded Basements: Homeowners who had their basements flooded are encouraged to register with FEMA because they may be eligible for grants to cover uninsured damage. In situations where families do not use their basements as an essential living space, the agency’s ability to assist may be limited. However, residents may be eligible for a low-interest disaster loan from SBA to cover what FEMA cannot.

The U.S. Small Business Administration provides low-interest disaster loans to homeowners, renters and businesses of all sizes, as well as private non-profit organizations with property damaged by the disaster. If you are referred to SBA after you register with FEMA, you should fill out the paperwork to see whether the SBA can offer you a loan. If you do not fill out an SBA packet it may close the door to other FEMA grants. For more information, call 800-659-2955 (800-877-8339 for people with speech or hearing disabilities). Applications can also be downloaded from or completed online at

Economic Injury Disaster Loans. Small businesses, small agricultural cooperatives, and certain private non-profit organizations of all sizes suffering substantial economic injury may be eligible for an Economic Injury Disaster Loan of up to $2 million to meet necessary financial obligations – expenses the business would have paid if the disaster had not occurred.

Insurance information. For questions regarding insurance matters, contact the Consumer Services Division at the Department of Banking, Insurance, Securities & Health Care Administration at 800-964-1784 in state or 802-828-3302.

Sunday, October 02, 2011


News to Know Oct 2nd

Berlin, Vermont Community News facebook page!/pages/Berlin-Vermont/205922199452224

Mobile Home Park Residents for Equality & Fairness facebook page!/groups/167886926626970/
Berlin Select Board meeting on Monday, October 3rd at 7pm at the Berlin Town Office. Flood Damage Update and Discussion is estimated to start at 7:25pm. Remember you can stream the meeting in progress at: Or you can watch it at this same link at your convenience.
If you have items to donate: washers, dryers, refrigerators, stoves, furniture, and other basic household essentials, the ReStore on 28 Granite Street in Barre is a great place to bring them. See information below regarding their voucher program for those impacted with flood damages.
Central VT Community Action Center (CVCAC) helps folks who are having difficulty paying housing costs, heating their homes, facing overdue utility bills, or putting food on the table. They can also help people prepare their taxes or resolve disputes with the IRS, offer individual financial counseling, locate new rental housing or find other support through community partners, and they have a home weatherization program. (see further info in comments) First thing in the morning is a great time to get to CVCAC for services. I also hear the 2-1-1 can sometimes assist with emergency housing after 5pm.
Department of Banking, Insurance, Securities and Healther Care Administration or BISHCA – Flood Insurance Coverage Information FAQ including the last question at this link which is how to file a complaint:
The FEMA Disaster Recovery Centers no longer have Sunday hours. The centers at the Northfield Library Community Rom at 93 So. Main Street and the Waterbury Fire Dept at 43 So Main Street will now be open Monday through Saturday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
If you’re needing to dispose of your flood damaged mobile home, call the CVOEO (Champlain Valley Office of Economic Opportunity) which is a Community Action Agency that houses the Mobile Home Project - an advocacy group. They are collecting the info on people interested in the $1500 deal to take out trailers. You will need to leave your name, #, where the trailer is, & that you are interested in the project. You are not required to pay up front. 802-660-3455 x 204
Housing Hotline: The state and FEMA have established a toll-free number and a fax number to receive calls from anyone who has rental housing available or wishes to offer housing at no cost for Vermonters displaced by the flood. Housing hotline is 866-330-5286. Fax is 540-686-4467. Please, if you're able help a fellow Vermonter!

Notes on housing:

Vermont Housing Task Force - apparently they believe most people who were affected by Irene are all set on housing, please call and let them know if you still are in need of short and/or long term housing

Homeshare - you never know, it might at least help out in the shorterm There are folks who are willing to have somebody stay with them for just 2 weeks, others for longer, some even a year. When you call Homeshare at 479-8544, you will have about a 15 minute conversation with them and if you called in the morning, they should be able to let you know by the end of the day if they believe they have a home that might be a fit for your situation.

Craigslist - the ads you see here are not necessarily in the newspapers

Don't forget to check community bulletin boards for ads - such as at the Co-op

Vermont State Housing Authority

Vermont Housing DATA - well worth checking this page!

Times Argus


Don't forget the publications you may find in each town (even if they don't have classifieds they might give you some folks to be in touch with to find out if they know of anything) such as the Middlesex Newspaper , The East Montpelier Sign Post , The Worcester Grapevine and others.

Ask family and friends to check the bulletin boards and newsletters where they work for information about housing - National Life, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, the State, and others have ways they share information.

Residents who suffered a loss of essential household items in their primary residence, can apply for a voucher for ReSTORE Burlington or ReSTORE Barre to be used to help purchase the following items: washers, dryers, refrigerators, stoves, furniture, and other basic household essentials. For those who have suffered structural damage, vouchers are available for building materials through ReBUILD Burlington and ReBUILD Barre. These items include lumber, doors, flooring (if available), and water heaters (if available).
How to apply: ReLIEF Essential Goods Vouchers in the greater Barre area:
ReSTORE Barre | 28 Granite Street, Barre Contact: (802) 477.7800 x20
Note: they will hold the voucher for you so that you can shop when you're ready but know that it will be available to you.
In Waterbury there is the Flood Relief Donation Distribution Center on Rte 100 across from Sunoco. Open M&W 9am-noon and 5:30pm-7:30pm along with Saturday 9am to noon. All items are FREE to to anybody affected by the floods in Vermont. They have a large collection of clothing, shoes, outerwear, bedding, toys , etc. This center will be open until at least the first week in November.
Sally's Second Act Thrift Shop on Rt 2 in Middlesex (across from Camp Meade) is offering clothes, shoes, toys and bed linens, free of charge, to families affected by flooding from tropical storm Irene. Sally's is closed on Mondays.~~~
See the September issue of the Vermont Emergency Management monthly newsletter for information regarding Irene Recovery
Central Vermont Runners – Tuesdays, 5:30pm May – October, Open to All – Runners and Walks. 1-,2-,4- and 6-mile distances. Distances are on an out-and-back course. Montpelier Recreation Path (off Green Mtn Drive).
Oct 7th – 9th 10am – 5pm Baked Beads 19th Annual Columbus Day Weekend Fashion Accessory Clearance Portion of proceeds to benefit Tropical Storm Irene Flood Relief / Jewelry $3-$5, coin purses 3/$5, scarves 3/$20. Michael Stars Tops, Fleur’t Lingerie, Pashminas, Sunglasses, Reading Glasses, Handbags, Key Chains, Hair Accessories, Beads / All over 75% off retail! Tented location on Rte 100 at 46 Carroll Rd, Waitsfield (next to Big Picture Theater & Café) 10% of sales can go to the Berlin PTNA if you bring or send your receipt from the sale to Berlin Elem. School in an envelope marked “Baked Beads” Like them on Facebook to qualify for 1 of 12 $25 gift certificates~~~
Oct 7 & 8th Marko the Magician will be doing a Magic Show at the Haunted Corn Maze at 7pm in Danville
The Milk Bowl will be one day event - next Sunday, Oct 9 the 49th Annual People’s United Bank Milk Bowl will kick off with Booth Bros./H.P. Hood time trials at 12 noon. General admission gates will open at 10:00am
The 17th Annual New England Conference on Gifted & Talented Education will be in Burlington at The Sheraton Hotel on October 13-15. Please check for details at the conference website: In addition to Dr. James R. Delisle and Colleen Harsin being the two keynote speakers, Commissioner of Education Armando Vilasecca and Governor Shumlin also might be in attendance. Vermont has a non-profit organization, VCGE (Vermont Council of Gifted Education) that is an advocate for families and children. We are a small group, seven or so individuals from around the state who get together a few times throughout the year. Dr. Carol Story was on WCAX "The 30" last week highlighting gifted education in Vermont
Annual Drop N Swap of clothing at Norwich Univ at Plumley Armory. Drop: Friday, Oct 21 noon – 6pm, Swap: Sat. Oct 22nd 9am-3pm. Please separate clothing from rags and label bags: “women’s,” “men’s,” “children’s” or “rags” No boxes or hangers, please. Shes, bags and coats are accepted. This FREE clothing Drop ‘N Swap diverts clothing, linens, and rags from the wase stream and redistributes quality items through the community thanks to the Salvation Army of Barre.~~~
Montpelier Ski & Skate Swap at Montpelier High School Saturday, October 22, 9AM - 2PM Bring items to sell: Thurs, Oct 20th from 4 – 7 PM and Friday, Oct 21st from 9AM-7PM The Mplr Rec Dept reserves the right to refuse any equipment. Pick-up for items not sold will be from 4:30-6PM after the sale. Volunteers will be needed for this event.
2011 Berlin Vermont Fall Scholastic Chess Tournament. The tournament will be held Saturday, November 12, 2011 at Berlin Elementary School, Berlin, VT. This is an unrated tournament open to chess players of all abilities from Kindergarten through Grade 12, where the focus is on fun and sportsmanship. UCSF membership is not required. Please bring a chess board and chess clock if you have one. This is a great opportunity for a student who may not have attended a tournament yet as it’s a smaller event. In April we also host the State Scholastic Chess Championship.
2011/2012 Buy Local Resource Guide and Coupon Book $15 List of businesses where you can purchase the book and businesses in the book can be found at the link. Businesses that caught my eye: Angeleno's Pizza, Bear Pond Books, Ben & Jerry's, Capitol Stationers, Gardener's Supply, Global Gifts, Guys Farm & Yard, Lenny's Shoe & Apparel, Onion River Sports, Red Hen, Skinny Pancake, Small Dog Electronics, The Drawing Board, The Knitting Studio and Woodbury Mountain Toys.... and there are LOTS of others!
The Onion River Exchange helps Central Vermonters to exchange goods and services without using money. Instead, members buy and sell services for Community Credits, a time-based currency. Services can vary from mechanical work to home cooked meals to yoga lessons, and each service is worth the time you spend providing it. As a member, you could earn an hour of credit for giving someone a ride to a doctor’s appointment, and use that credit to have someone make you dinner. In ORE, the currency is time, and everyone’s time is equal. Members are encouraged to make a yearly donation to ORE to help us keep up with operating costs. Suggested rates are $25 for an individual membership or $40 for a household membership.
FREECYCLE is a grassroots and entirely nonprofit movement of people who are giving (and getting) stuff for free in their own towns. It's all about reuse and keeping good stuff out of landfills. Each local group is moderated by local volunteers (them's good people). Membership is free.
Current U-32 Newsletter
Current Berlin Elementary Newsletter
Fall Adult Education Classes at the Barre Technical Center 155 Ayres St, Barre 476-6237
Dairy Creme on lower State Street will be open through October 31 this year. Note they have now reduced their hours to noon - 8pm
The Berlin Emergency Management Team has an email group to better keep you informed on emergency situations and dangers facing the town. To join this list click on and click on “Join this group” in the right hand column. This link is also on the town website down in the right corner. I have the information come to me both in email and I have it sent as a text to my phone... the message in the text is usually cut off but gives me enough to know something is going on.

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