Friday, February 10, 2012
News to Know February 10th
Check previous posts for more information
Facebook user? Look for Berlin, Vermont for the Community News page
LOOKING FOR HEADBOARD - a Berlin couple who lost their home to Irene and are finally getting settled into a new apartment are in need of a headboard. If you can give them a hand, please contact:
PRESCHOOL MUSIC PLAYGROUP - FREE -, Wednesdays, 10am - 10:45am at Berlin Elementary School (BES) for Berlin children ages birth through four years old. Sign up by calling the school office at 223-2796. A music filled class of songs, games, listen and movement. A time for parents to learn some child centered music activities and preschool families the opportunity to get to know BES. This class will be led by Berlin's Music Educator, Ms. Marcia Clark who has over twenty years experience teaching elementary music.
BERLIN PTNA - If you have not already done so, please register your Price Chopper AdvantEdge card number for the Tools for Schools program. There is still time to earn points for free school merchandise during this year's program. Please go to and click on "Program sign-up". Then register your 10 digit account number from the back of your PC AdvantEdge card. Please share this information with anyone who may be interested in helping BES earn points for free school merchandise.
The PTNA also collects Campbell Soup Labels and Box Tops for Education.
AFRICAN ART TRAVELING EXHIBIT FEBRUARY 6th-10th - Berlin Elementary School will be displaying an exhibit of African Art by Traveling Exhibits by Teacher’s Discovery. This exhibit is a large format exhibit featuring the art of Africa. Each panel of the 7-piece exhibit will be in the lobby of the school. This breath-taking exhibit features the art of Africa including: masks, music, textiles and clothing, and the modern art form Tingatinga.
50 Ways to Re-purpose and Reuse Glass Jars
Crosstown Road home on 10 acres
Jones Brook Road home on 1.5 acres
The Story of a Small Airport in Berlin, Vermont ***
Berlin (from Times Argus)
Voters here will settle a three-way race for a seat on the Select Board, elect two new school directors and at least one new representative to the U-32 school board on Town Meeting Day in March.
Although there are several new candidates in the mix this year, Town Clerk Rosemary Morse said the lone race is for the two years remaining on Sue Gretkowski’s three-year Select Board seat.
Gretkowski recently announced that she would be stepping down in March, and Selectman Jonathan Goddard, whose one-year term is also expiring, is among the candidates running to replace her. Joining Goddard in the race are former longtime Lister Mike Domingue and resident Pete Kelley.
“I don’t care who wins. It’s just nice to see a little bit of competition,” Morse said Tuesday.
According to Morse, another Select Board member has decided to switch seats. Roberta Haskin is running unopposed for the three-year seat that Nancy Driscoll held before stepping down last fall.
Ture Nelson, who was appointed to replace Driscoll, and resident Craig Frazier both are running for the one-year seats currently held by Haskin and Goddard.
There will be two new members on the local school board, according to Morse, who said Kimberly Boyd is running unopposed for the three-year seat now held by Chairwoman Amy Brewer. Justin Lawrence is the only candidate for the two-year board seat held by Boyd’s husband, Jonathan.
Meanwhile, Goddard, who once served concurrent terms on the Select Board and school board, is running unopposed for a three-year seat on the U-32 school board. Morse said no candidate filed a nominating petition for a soon-to-be-vacant two-year seat representing Berlin on the U-32 board.
I am running for a two year term on the school board. Jen and I have three children there and I want to help.
My name is Craig Frazier. I am running for the select board (one year term.) I was born and raised in central Vermont. I am married, and have two young daughters who attend Berlin Elementary School. We have lived in our current home for 14 years. I am interested in serving my community for their best interest, not mine.
I’ve lived in Berlin for 32 years and have always been a “hands on” owner operator type of person. Starting from 1978 my history in Berlin includes:
· Owner/operator of #1 Car Wash.
· Currently, I am the president of IronSong International Inc.
· The founder and current member of Starbyrd Aircraft LLC.
· And the ASN volunteer (Aviation Support Network) to AOPA (Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association) for the Knapp Airport…. all located in Berlin.
· I’m a past vice president of the Knapp airport association in Berlin
· And am probably most widely known as the founder/owner/operator of VT Lazerwash Inc. with locations in Barre and Montpelier.
I’ve been involved locally from a business perspective for 35 years but have always had political aspirations. I see a direct correlation between running a business and running a town. I’ve been on the receiving end of many a permit and variance from Barre, Montpelier, and Berlin, and am familiar with the process.
I sold the car washes to my employees in late 2008 and have been on the fence about stepping into local government. It was Corinne’s blog and the link to Paul's Gillies article, “It’s Your Turn” that helped me take that final step of submitting an application to the town of Berlin for the Select Board position created by Susan Gretkowski's resignation. I think with my motivation, business experience and affiliation with the town I can make a positive contribution to Berlin. Pete can be contacted at
I have lived in Berlin on Point Ridge Road since April 2002 and have followed local and state developments with great interest. I have been employed by the U.S. Department of Transportation for over 20 years and currently serve as the Vermont Division Administrator of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. I have also served in leadership positions on several area boards and organizations.
I have wanted to serve on the Select Board for quite some time and I was appointed to the board in November 2011 to fill in for the remainder of the term of Nancy Driscoll. I would like the opportunity to continue to serve the town for another year.
From 2006 through 2011 I served as the Town’s Emergency Management Director. While serving as EMD I came before the Select Board on several occasions for them to adopt town plans, as well as to update the board on the team’s activities.
There are several major issues facing Berlin including the Regional Public Safety Authority, town water supply (including the plateau project and the Berlin Fire Dist #1), as well as future growth in the town. These issues will greatly affect Berlin well into the future, and the town’s interest will be my first priority. If elected I would use my leadership experience and expertise to work for you!
ANNUAL U-32 8TH GRADE SPAGHETTI DINNER, Friday, March 20th with seatings at 5:30pm and 7pm. DC Raffle, silent auction, live music. Adults $10, Families $30, Students / Seniors (62+) $5. Take-out orders available for $10 each. Dinner includes meat or vegetarian pasta, tossed salad, homemade garlic bread, drinks and dessert.
“STARTING OVER STRONG VERMONT” Healing Emotional Wounds from the 2011 Vermont Flooding
Many Vermonters were impacted by Tropical Storm Irene when it pounded Vermont last August. For some, the storm inflicted emotional trauma that has not gone away. Left untreated, these emotional injuries can lead to long term problems.
In response to this problem, a new program called has been developed. Starting Over Strong (SOS) Vermont , provides free short-term support for people impacted by Tropical Storm Irene. SOS includes community and home-based outreach, counseling, and group meetings, all at no charge.
Do you know someone who could benefit from the services provided by SOS Vermont? Examples of emotional reactions that SOS Vermont can help with include: recurring dreams or nightmares about the storm; trouble concentrating or remembering things; feeling numb, withdrawn, or disconnected; having bursts of anger or intense irritability; persistent physical symptoms (headaches, digestive problems, muscle tension, etc.); being overprotective of your family’s safety; avoiding reminders of the storm or flood; being tearful or crying for no apparent reason,
Remember, people suffering emotional trauma from Tropical Storm Irene don’t have to go it alone. Free services are available.
To access services of SOS Vermont, call (Toll Free) 1-855-767-8800, or contact Cathy Aikman, SOS VT Project Director, at 229-1399 or
SOS Vermont is supported by FEMA grant funding and is administered by Washington County Mental Health Services in conjunction with other designated mental health agencies and community services in the hardest hit regions of Vermont.
UNICYCLING, JUGGLING, SLACKLINING AND MORE - held on the first Sunday of the month all winter from 4:30pm -6:00 p.m. at the Montpelier Recreation Dept. Gym, 58 Barre St, Montpelier. Fee: $3 individual, $5 family or carload Adults and families invited, beginners welcome! Unicycles available to borrow. Bring your bike helmet. Presented by the Montpelier Unicyclists and Community Connections. For more information call Bill Merrylees, 223-4951
LOOKING FOR VOLLEYBALL PLAYERS (especially female) for a summer league - intermediate or avid players (please, no beginners). Involves a commitment of two times a week (mostly) with a calendar handed out at the beginning of the summer. Games start at 7pm and range from 1 hour to 1 1/2 hours. Games are 2 out of 3. The league starts in late May, and there is an all-day tournament on the 1st Saturday in August. Kathy Grenier is the captain of a team (one out of ten teams or so) and she can be contacted at 272-3134.
By David Delcore
Staff Writer - Published: February 3, 2012
BERLIN — The cost of running Berlin Elementary School and the tax rate needed to foot that $3 million bill are heading in different directions.
Voters will be asked to approve the first-ever $3 million budget for their pre-K-through-6 elementary school when they head to the polls next month, but school officials say despite a $182,500 spike in spending — an increase of nearly 6.4 percent — the town’s education tax rate should drop slightly, from $1.354 to $1.349 per $100 of assessed property value.
That’s the good news.
The better news?
If the U-32 budget passes, it won’t trigger an increase in the Berlin education tax rate, either.
The half-cent rate reduction assumes voters in Berlin and its partners in the five-town, six-school Washington Central Supervisory Union collectively approve the $13.6 million budget proposed for U-32 Junior-Senior High School. That budget, which is up roughly $470,000, or about 3.6 percent, will be on the Town Meeting Day ballot in Berlin, Calais, East Montpelier, Middlesex and Worcester.
School officials credit a combination of factors for a projected rate reduction. A slight uptick in the town’s common level of appraisal, which now stands at 103.53 percent of fair market value, is partly responsible, as is a projected increase of nearly $95,000 in state revenue, the availability of $39,000 in federal stimulus funds and a $67,000 increase in reimbursement for special-education services.
The result is a projected tax rate that would save Berlin homeowners $5 for every $100,000 of assessed property value. The owner of a home valued at $150,000 could expect to save $7.50 in taxes during the coming fiscal year if the budget is approved, while school taxes on a home assessed at $200,000 would drop $10.
Roughly one-third of the proposed spending increase — just over $62,000 — is tied to negotiated pay raises for the school’s faculty and staff.
The budget does include funding for an additional kindergarten teacher — a $72,000 position — and two new para-educators — a combined cost of almost $55,000 — to work with students with special needs. The budget also reflects roughly $20,000 in savings for substitute teachers, about $12,000 in savings in professional services for students with special needs, and a $5,000 reduction for the school’s food service program.
The proposed budget doesn’t contemplate using any of an estimated $212,000 surplus to reduce taxes, but officials estimate a 1.3 percent increase in the town’s common level of appraisal — a property value-based figure that the state uses to equalize property taxes statewide — will help negate the need for a rate hike this year. The change in the town’s CLA alone represents a savings of 1.7 cents on the tax rate.
The Berlin School Board Budget Presentation was recorded by Carl Parton and can be found at or at the school website: It is about 20 minutes long. The slides to the presentation (since they can't be scene clearly in the video) are also posted on the school website just below the video.
The next Berlin School Board meeting is Monday, February 13th, 6:15pm in the school learning center.
U-32 School District Warning
Berlin Town School District Warning
Berlin Town Meeting Warning
BERLIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY - next meeting Wednesday, Feb 15th at 7pm Look for more information regarding on the town website
Great highlights from high school sports at You can also order the full DVD of games they have recorded. CVTSPORT is also on facebook!/profile.php?id=100002856799744&sk=wall
Facebook user? Look for Berlin, Vermont for the Community News page
LOOKING FOR HEADBOARD - a Berlin couple who lost their home to Irene and are finally getting settled into a new apartment are in need of a headboard. If you can give them a hand, please contact:
PRESCHOOL MUSIC PLAYGROUP - FREE -, Wednesdays, 10am - 10:45am at Berlin Elementary School (BES) for Berlin children ages birth through four years old. Sign up by calling the school office at 223-2796. A music filled class of songs, games, listen and movement. A time for parents to learn some child centered music activities and preschool families the opportunity to get to know BES. This class will be led by Berlin's Music Educator, Ms. Marcia Clark who has over twenty years experience teaching elementary music.
BERLIN PTNA - If you have not already done so, please register your Price Chopper AdvantEdge card number for the Tools for Schools program. There is still time to earn points for free school merchandise during this year's program. Please go to and click on "Program sign-up". Then register your 10 digit account number from the back of your PC AdvantEdge card. Please share this information with anyone who may be interested in helping BES earn points for free school merchandise.
The PTNA also collects Campbell Soup Labels and Box Tops for Education.
AFRICAN ART TRAVELING EXHIBIT FEBRUARY 6th-10th - Berlin Elementary School will be displaying an exhibit of African Art by Traveling Exhibits by Teacher’s Discovery. This exhibit is a large format exhibit featuring the art of Africa. Each panel of the 7-piece exhibit will be in the lobby of the school. This breath-taking exhibit features the art of Africa including: masks, music, textiles and clothing, and the modern art form Tingatinga.
50 Ways to Re-purpose and Reuse Glass Jars
Crosstown Road home on 10 acres
Jones Brook Road home on 1.5 acres
The Story of a Small Airport in Berlin, Vermont ***
Berlin (from Times Argus)
Voters here will settle a three-way race for a seat on the Select Board, elect two new school directors and at least one new representative to the U-32 school board on Town Meeting Day in March.
Although there are several new candidates in the mix this year, Town Clerk Rosemary Morse said the lone race is for the two years remaining on Sue Gretkowski’s three-year Select Board seat.
Gretkowski recently announced that she would be stepping down in March, and Selectman Jonathan Goddard, whose one-year term is also expiring, is among the candidates running to replace her. Joining Goddard in the race are former longtime Lister Mike Domingue and resident Pete Kelley.
“I don’t care who wins. It’s just nice to see a little bit of competition,” Morse said Tuesday.
According to Morse, another Select Board member has decided to switch seats. Roberta Haskin is running unopposed for the three-year seat that Nancy Driscoll held before stepping down last fall.
Ture Nelson, who was appointed to replace Driscoll, and resident Craig Frazier both are running for the one-year seats currently held by Haskin and Goddard.
There will be two new members on the local school board, according to Morse, who said Kimberly Boyd is running unopposed for the three-year seat now held by Chairwoman Amy Brewer. Justin Lawrence is the only candidate for the two-year board seat held by Boyd’s husband, Jonathan.
Meanwhile, Goddard, who once served concurrent terms on the Select Board and school board, is running unopposed for a three-year seat on the U-32 school board. Morse said no candidate filed a nominating petition for a soon-to-be-vacant two-year seat representing Berlin on the U-32 board.
I am running for a two year term on the school board. Jen and I have three children there and I want to help.
My name is Craig Frazier. I am running for the select board (one year term.) I was born and raised in central Vermont. I am married, and have two young daughters who attend Berlin Elementary School. We have lived in our current home for 14 years. I am interested in serving my community for their best interest, not mine.
I’ve lived in Berlin for 32 years and have always been a “hands on” owner operator type of person. Starting from 1978 my history in Berlin includes:
· Owner/operator of #1 Car Wash.
· Currently, I am the president of IronSong International Inc.
· The founder and current member of Starbyrd Aircraft LLC.
· And the ASN volunteer (Aviation Support Network) to AOPA (Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association) for the Knapp Airport…. all located in Berlin.
· I’m a past vice president of the Knapp airport association in Berlin
· And am probably most widely known as the founder/owner/operator of VT Lazerwash Inc. with locations in Barre and Montpelier.
I’ve been involved locally from a business perspective for 35 years but have always had political aspirations. I see a direct correlation between running a business and running a town. I’ve been on the receiving end of many a permit and variance from Barre, Montpelier, and Berlin, and am familiar with the process.
I sold the car washes to my employees in late 2008 and have been on the fence about stepping into local government. It was Corinne’s blog and the link to Paul's Gillies article, “It’s Your Turn” that helped me take that final step of submitting an application to the town of Berlin for the Select Board position created by Susan Gretkowski's resignation. I think with my motivation, business experience and affiliation with the town I can make a positive contribution to Berlin. Pete can be contacted at
I have lived in Berlin on Point Ridge Road since April 2002 and have followed local and state developments with great interest. I have been employed by the U.S. Department of Transportation for over 20 years and currently serve as the Vermont Division Administrator of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. I have also served in leadership positions on several area boards and organizations.
I have wanted to serve on the Select Board for quite some time and I was appointed to the board in November 2011 to fill in for the remainder of the term of Nancy Driscoll. I would like the opportunity to continue to serve the town for another year.
From 2006 through 2011 I served as the Town’s Emergency Management Director. While serving as EMD I came before the Select Board on several occasions for them to adopt town plans, as well as to update the board on the team’s activities.
There are several major issues facing Berlin including the Regional Public Safety Authority, town water supply (including the plateau project and the Berlin Fire Dist #1), as well as future growth in the town. These issues will greatly affect Berlin well into the future, and the town’s interest will be my first priority. If elected I would use my leadership experience and expertise to work for you!
ANNUAL U-32 8TH GRADE SPAGHETTI DINNER, Friday, March 20th with seatings at 5:30pm and 7pm. DC Raffle, silent auction, live music. Adults $10, Families $30, Students / Seniors (62+) $5. Take-out orders available for $10 each. Dinner includes meat or vegetarian pasta, tossed salad, homemade garlic bread, drinks and dessert.
“STARTING OVER STRONG VERMONT” Healing Emotional Wounds from the 2011 Vermont Flooding
Many Vermonters were impacted by Tropical Storm Irene when it pounded Vermont last August. For some, the storm inflicted emotional trauma that has not gone away. Left untreated, these emotional injuries can lead to long term problems.
In response to this problem, a new program called has been developed. Starting Over Strong (SOS) Vermont , provides free short-term support for people impacted by Tropical Storm Irene. SOS includes community and home-based outreach, counseling, and group meetings, all at no charge.
Do you know someone who could benefit from the services provided by SOS Vermont? Examples of emotional reactions that SOS Vermont can help with include: recurring dreams or nightmares about the storm; trouble concentrating or remembering things; feeling numb, withdrawn, or disconnected; having bursts of anger or intense irritability; persistent physical symptoms (headaches, digestive problems, muscle tension, etc.); being overprotective of your family’s safety; avoiding reminders of the storm or flood; being tearful or crying for no apparent reason,
Remember, people suffering emotional trauma from Tropical Storm Irene don’t have to go it alone. Free services are available.
To access services of SOS Vermont, call (Toll Free) 1-855-767-8800, or contact Cathy Aikman, SOS VT Project Director, at 229-1399 or
SOS Vermont is supported by FEMA grant funding and is administered by Washington County Mental Health Services in conjunction with other designated mental health agencies and community services in the hardest hit regions of Vermont.
UNICYCLING, JUGGLING, SLACKLINING AND MORE - held on the first Sunday of the month all winter from 4:30pm -6:00 p.m. at the Montpelier Recreation Dept. Gym, 58 Barre St, Montpelier. Fee: $3 individual, $5 family or carload Adults and families invited, beginners welcome! Unicycles available to borrow. Bring your bike helmet. Presented by the Montpelier Unicyclists and Community Connections. For more information call Bill Merrylees, 223-4951
LOOKING FOR VOLLEYBALL PLAYERS (especially female) for a summer league - intermediate or avid players (please, no beginners). Involves a commitment of two times a week (mostly) with a calendar handed out at the beginning of the summer. Games start at 7pm and range from 1 hour to 1 1/2 hours. Games are 2 out of 3. The league starts in late May, and there is an all-day tournament on the 1st Saturday in August. Kathy Grenier is the captain of a team (one out of ten teams or so) and she can be contacted at 272-3134.
By David Delcore
Staff Writer - Published: February 3, 2012
BERLIN — The cost of running Berlin Elementary School and the tax rate needed to foot that $3 million bill are heading in different directions.
Voters will be asked to approve the first-ever $3 million budget for their pre-K-through-6 elementary school when they head to the polls next month, but school officials say despite a $182,500 spike in spending — an increase of nearly 6.4 percent — the town’s education tax rate should drop slightly, from $1.354 to $1.349 per $100 of assessed property value.
That’s the good news.
The better news?
If the U-32 budget passes, it won’t trigger an increase in the Berlin education tax rate, either.
The half-cent rate reduction assumes voters in Berlin and its partners in the five-town, six-school Washington Central Supervisory Union collectively approve the $13.6 million budget proposed for U-32 Junior-Senior High School. That budget, which is up roughly $470,000, or about 3.6 percent, will be on the Town Meeting Day ballot in Berlin, Calais, East Montpelier, Middlesex and Worcester.
School officials credit a combination of factors for a projected rate reduction. A slight uptick in the town’s common level of appraisal, which now stands at 103.53 percent of fair market value, is partly responsible, as is a projected increase of nearly $95,000 in state revenue, the availability of $39,000 in federal stimulus funds and a $67,000 increase in reimbursement for special-education services.
The result is a projected tax rate that would save Berlin homeowners $5 for every $100,000 of assessed property value. The owner of a home valued at $150,000 could expect to save $7.50 in taxes during the coming fiscal year if the budget is approved, while school taxes on a home assessed at $200,000 would drop $10.
Roughly one-third of the proposed spending increase — just over $62,000 — is tied to negotiated pay raises for the school’s faculty and staff.
The budget does include funding for an additional kindergarten teacher — a $72,000 position — and two new para-educators — a combined cost of almost $55,000 — to work with students with special needs. The budget also reflects roughly $20,000 in savings for substitute teachers, about $12,000 in savings in professional services for students with special needs, and a $5,000 reduction for the school’s food service program.
The proposed budget doesn’t contemplate using any of an estimated $212,000 surplus to reduce taxes, but officials estimate a 1.3 percent increase in the town’s common level of appraisal — a property value-based figure that the state uses to equalize property taxes statewide — will help negate the need for a rate hike this year. The change in the town’s CLA alone represents a savings of 1.7 cents on the tax rate.
The Berlin School Board Budget Presentation was recorded by Carl Parton and can be found at or at the school website: It is about 20 minutes long. The slides to the presentation (since they can't be scene clearly in the video) are also posted on the school website just below the video.
The next Berlin School Board meeting is Monday, February 13th, 6:15pm in the school learning center.
U-32 School District Warning
Berlin Town School District Warning
Berlin Town Meeting Warning
BERLIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY - next meeting Wednesday, Feb 15th at 7pm Look for more information regarding on the town website
Great highlights from high school sports at You can also order the full DVD of games they have recorded. CVTSPORT is also on facebook!/profile.php?id=100002856799744&sk=wall