Thursday, November 22, 2007


Let's Talk Turkey

Berlin friends and neighbors -

If anybody out there has any EXTRA Shaw's turkey points the school will put them to good use. The staff has already started to bring some in. Please get them to Diane in the office before the end of the week. Thanks so much.

Also note that the PTNA continues to collect Box Tops for Education from food and paper products and Campbell Soupl labels. There is a collection bin in the front office at school.

Funds are being collected to buy books in honor of Pat Nelson who was the Berlin Elementary School librarian for 29 years. Mrs. Nelson retired this past summer. Donations can be sent to the school with checks being made out to Berlin Elementary School Special Accounts and please be sure to note that it's for books in honor of Mrs. Nelson.

The Scholastic Book Fair will be set up from November 27th - December 4th. We also have a permanent Book Swap bookshelf to give students access to books they can keep - donations to this shelf are always appreciated.

The next Family Game Night will be Friday, November 30th - bring an item for the potluck or just come and have fun playing games that we'll supply. The book fair will be open during this event.

CHESS? If you have students who would like to improve their game of chess, please let us know. Mike and I are trying to figure out a time for a chess club - perhaps we'll do it one evening a month for an hour or on the weekend. We need to know who is interested and when they're available. This will not be a drop off activity but for kids who seriously want to sit down and play chess. We're also wanting to know if there are other chess playing adults who may like to help make this happen, or happen more often.

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