Thursday, February 07, 2008
February more
Please note the 6th grade transition/information night for parents will be held on March 19th at U-32. This is a change in date. Previously an earlier date had been announced and that's what I passed along.
The PTNA meeting which was postponed due to weather, will now be at 5:30pm on Wednesday, February 13th. We'll be discussing whether or not we'll be moving ahead with the idea for the Family Fun Nights - help is needed to make these a reality!
Also on the 13th is the voter registration at 6pm and the concert at 7pm.
Folks are welcome to attend the high school pops concert at U-32 on Thursday, February 14th at 7:30pm - you don't need to have children at U-32 to enjoy this event!
Check it out - Information regarding Town Meeting is posted in the Berlin Elementary School lobby - who's running for what, the requests for funds that will be on the Australion ballot, etc. Don't forget to request your absentee ballot if you won't be able to make it to the school to vote on Tuesday, March 4th
Check out the new local sports website: by our own Carl Parton. Coverage of 15 area high schools, VTC, Norwich, Frost Heaves, Mountaineers, adult and youth sports. It's a multi-media news and entertainment source using video, audio, photos, stories, interviews, schedules - anything that has to do with local sports. Carl tells me that he intends to do some type of fund raisers for local schools through the site as well, currently he donates 10% of all DVD sales to the home school.
RAFFLE - Central Vermont Community Land Trust
You pick: A deeded time share on Cape Cod – right on Nantucket Sound – each Memorial Day week for the rest of your life; a brand-new, spunky 2008 Chevy Aveo5 from Cody Chevrolet; or $8,000 in cash. If you are the lucky winner of the Central Vermont Community Land Trust’s (CVCLT) “Bringing it All Home Raffle” that’s extra what you get to choose from.
Only one winner will be chosen and only 250 tickets will be sold. Tickets are on sale now and going quickly. Call Peg at CVCLT 476-4493 ex. 213 for tickets or more information. The drawing will be held on March 28, 2008 at CVCLT’s Annual Meeting and Free Community Spaghetti Dinner (you do not have to be present to win, but they’d love to have you join in the fun).
“It should be a wonderful night.” said Chris Wood, CVCLT’s Development Director. “We are expecting a record crowd and lots of excitement over the raffle and silent auction. It’s a great way of raising awareness of our affordable housing projects and programs while helping to raise much needed funds.” Raffle tickets are $100 each and all proceeds go to helping the Central Vermont Community Land Trust create and sustain safe, decent, and affordable housing and build strong and diverse communities.
I would love to hear from more families regarding their use (or non use) of the Kellogg-Hubbard Library. Thanks to those of you who took a minute to share!
Keep an eye on .... very soon you'll see an updated website and lots of current information, school newsletters are archived to enable you to look back at previous ones, you can access the Berlin library card catalog, medication forms are posted on the health page and there is a text box on the main page for announcements and to point out new items on the website!
5/6 END OF YEAR PRODUCTION - The news is out, the fifth and sixth grade production this year will be based on the book "Once Upon A Marigold" by Jean Ferris. Every fifth and sixth grader will have a part in this production whether it's on stage, stage crew, or tech crew. Try-outs will be before April vacation and rehearsals start after vacation. We will need some adults to help in a variety of ways. Costume Coordinator is the the role we need filled as soon as possible. You don't need experience and you don't need to sew - we need somebody who is very organized and available to come into school during school hours. You'll be working closely with Lynn Spencer (our art teacher) to figure out what students need for costumes, getting the word home to parents, keeping track of what is brought in and working on costume fittings. If this sounds like something you could take on, or partner up with another person to do, please email me back or contact Marcia Bowles ext 114 or Lynn Spencer ext 102 at school.
(continue on for the original February News post)
The PTNA meeting which was postponed due to weather, will now be at 5:30pm on Wednesday, February 13th. We'll be discussing whether or not we'll be moving ahead with the idea for the Family Fun Nights - help is needed to make these a reality!
Also on the 13th is the voter registration at 6pm and the concert at 7pm.
Folks are welcome to attend the high school pops concert at U-32 on Thursday, February 14th at 7:30pm - you don't need to have children at U-32 to enjoy this event!
Check it out - Information regarding Town Meeting is posted in the Berlin Elementary School lobby - who's running for what, the requests for funds that will be on the Australion ballot, etc. Don't forget to request your absentee ballot if you won't be able to make it to the school to vote on Tuesday, March 4th
Check out the new local sports website: by our own Carl Parton. Coverage of 15 area high schools, VTC, Norwich, Frost Heaves, Mountaineers, adult and youth sports. It's a multi-media news and entertainment source using video, audio, photos, stories, interviews, schedules - anything that has to do with local sports. Carl tells me that he intends to do some type of fund raisers for local schools through the site as well, currently he donates 10% of all DVD sales to the home school.
RAFFLE - Central Vermont Community Land Trust
You pick: A deeded time share on Cape Cod – right on Nantucket Sound – each Memorial Day week for the rest of your life; a brand-new, spunky 2008 Chevy Aveo5 from Cody Chevrolet; or $8,000 in cash. If you are the lucky winner of the Central Vermont Community Land Trust’s (CVCLT) “Bringing it All Home Raffle” that’s extra what you get to choose from.
Only one winner will be chosen and only 250 tickets will be sold. Tickets are on sale now and going quickly. Call Peg at CVCLT 476-4493 ex. 213 for tickets or more information. The drawing will be held on March 28, 2008 at CVCLT’s Annual Meeting and Free Community Spaghetti Dinner (you do not have to be present to win, but they’d love to have you join in the fun).
“It should be a wonderful night.” said Chris Wood, CVCLT’s Development Director. “We are expecting a record crowd and lots of excitement over the raffle and silent auction. It’s a great way of raising awareness of our affordable housing projects and programs while helping to raise much needed funds.” Raffle tickets are $100 each and all proceeds go to helping the Central Vermont Community Land Trust create and sustain safe, decent, and affordable housing and build strong and diverse communities.
I would love to hear from more families regarding their use (or non use) of the Kellogg-Hubbard Library. Thanks to those of you who took a minute to share!
Keep an eye on .... very soon you'll see an updated website and lots of current information, school newsletters are archived to enable you to look back at previous ones, you can access the Berlin library card catalog, medication forms are posted on the health page and there is a text box on the main page for announcements and to point out new items on the website!
5/6 END OF YEAR PRODUCTION - The news is out, the fifth and sixth grade production this year will be based on the book "Once Upon A Marigold" by Jean Ferris. Every fifth and sixth grader will have a part in this production whether it's on stage, stage crew, or tech crew. Try-outs will be before April vacation and rehearsals start after vacation. We will need some adults to help in a variety of ways. Costume Coordinator is the the role we need filled as soon as possible. You don't need experience and you don't need to sew - we need somebody who is very organized and available to come into school during school hours. You'll be working closely with Lynn Spencer (our art teacher) to figure out what students need for costumes, getting the word home to parents, keeping track of what is brought in and working on costume fittings. If this sounds like something you could take on, or partner up with another person to do, please email me back or contact Marcia Bowles ext 114 or Lynn Spencer ext 102 at school.
(continue on for the original February News post)