Sunday, November 09, 2008
SPECIAL SCHOOL BOARD MEETING The Berlin Elementary School Board will meet in the Learning Center at Berlin Elementary School on Monday, November 10th, 2008 at 6pm. RE: Discuss Autralian Ballot
There will be a SPECIAL TOWN MEETING held on Monday evening, November 10th at 7:00 p.m at Berlin Elementary School. One of the articles has to do with how we vote the school budget. The article reads: "Shall the Town of Berlin vote to use Australian ballot to approve or disapprove Berlin Elementary School budget?"
Saturday, November 15, 2008 at the Pavilion Building, next to the State House in Montpelier, at the VT Historical Society Museum. Logging with Pete: Into the Woods for Winter. Pete will create for us the traditional life of a Vermont logging camp, showing us his tools, gear, food - and even his union suit and boot felts! Peggy Pearl, the curator of education of the Fairbanks Museum in St. Johnsbury, plays the part of Pete the Logger. 10am-noon $8 per child, $5 for members, no cost for parents. To register, call 828-2180 or email
VT Historical Society's Family Fun series mixes history, demonstrations, hands-on activities and snacks, and creates a fun experience! Parents and children learn together!
More Family Fun Coming Up!
Forming Mortise and Tenon Joints. December 13, 2008 (ages 7-12) We'll practice carving wood, and we'll build something with this old-fashioned woodworking technique. Instructor: Syver Rogstad.
Carving Soft Stone. January 10, 2009 (ages 11-13) We'll try our hand at carving marble with one of Barre's stone carvers. Instructor: George
Creating Wigs and Silhouettes. February 14, 2009 (ages 6-10) We'll re-create powdered wigs and silhouettes for ourselves!
Rope Twisting and Knot Tying. March 14, 2009 (ages 11-13) Come learn how people made rope. Then we'll try splicing and learn some knots! Instructor: Art Blair.
6th Annual Central VT Scholastic Chess Tournament
Saturday, Nov. 15th, 2008 at Berlin Elementary School
Come one, come all! This is an unrated chess tournament open to players of all abilities from Kindergarten through Grade 12, where the focus is on fun and sportsmanship. The Swiss system will be used, and all players will play 4 rounds (no-one will be eliminated.) Please bring a chess board and chess clock if you have one (not required.) Pre-Register by Nov. 12th for only $8 per player, or $15 per family. Register at door - $10 per player or $18 per family. Registration open from 9–9:30 AM. First round starts at 10AM. Food concessions available from 9 AM until 2 PM (including pizza at lunchtime). Awards given at approximately 3:00 PM. Pre-registration form and full details are available at: For more information, contact: Mike Stridsberg (Tournament Director) or Corinne Stridsberg (Event Organizer) at or call (802) 223-1948 .
Note the Scholastic Book Fair will be open in the Learning Center from 10am - 2pm on Saturday, Nov. 15th
Friday, November 21st FAMILY GAME NIGHT 6pm-8pm Try your hand at your old favorites or learn some new games. Othello, cribbage, chess, checkers, Sequence, Quarto, card games, dominoes, Yahtzee, Aggravation, Battleship, Connect Four, backgammon, dice games, Trouble, Candyland, Hi Ho Cherry-O, Memory, Chutes & Ladders and many more. Bring a dish to share for potluck; games will be in the Learning Center. The Scholastic Book Fair will be open. All Berlin families and your guests are welcome. Please park in the side parking lot.
THANKSGIVING INDOOR FARMERS MARKET, Saturday, November 22nd 10am - 2pm at the Montpelier High School Gym
Winter Farmers Market will be on the first Saturdays December 1st - April 5th 10am-2pm at the Vermont College Gym
Note: Berlin has an outdoor skating rink with a warming hut over behind the town offices / police station. It will be announced when this opens. There is also an indoor rink open year round in Waterbury:
2008-2009 Public Skating
CV Memorial Civic Center
268 Gallison Hill Road
Montpelier VT
Nov. 8 Sat. 4 – 5:15 PM ; Nov. 9 Sun. 4 – 5:15 PM
Nov. 15 Sat. 4 – 5:15 PM ; Nov. 16 Sun. 4 – 5:15 PM
Nov. 22 Sat. 4 – 5:15 PM ; Nov. 23 Sun. 4 – 5:15 PM
Nov. 26 Wed. 1 – 2:30 PM
Nov. 28 Fri. 1 – 2:20 PM
Nov. 29 Sat. 4 – 5:15 PM ; Nov. 30 Sun. 4 – 5:15 PM
Dec. 6 Sat. 1 – 2:15 PM ; Dec. 7 Sun. 4 – 5:15 PM
Dec. 13 Sat. 4 – 5:15 PM ; Dec. 14 Sun. 4 – 5:15 PM
Dec. 20 Sat. 4 – 5:15 PM ; Dec. 21 Sun. 4 – 5:15 PM
Dec. 24 Wed. 1 – 2:30 PM
Dec. 26 Fri. 1 – 2:30 PM
Dec. 27. Sat 1 – 2:30 PM ; Dec. 28 Sun. 4 – 5:15 PM
Dec. 29 Mon. 1 – 2:30 PM
Dec. 31 Wed. 1 – 3:00 PM (First Night)
Jan. 1 Thurs. 1- 2:30 PM
Jan. 2 Fri. 1 -2:30 PM
Jan. 3 Sat. 4 – 5:15 PM ; Jan. 4. Sun. 4 – 5:15 PM
Jan. 10 Sat. 4 – 5:15 PM ; Jan. 11 Sun. 4 – 5:15 PM
Jan. 17 Sat. 1 – 2:15 PM ; Jan. 18 Sun. 4 – 5:15 PM
Jan. 19 Mon. 1 – 2:30 PM
Jan. 24 Sat. 4 – 5:15 PM ; Jan. 25 Sun. 4 – 5:15 PM
Jan. 31 Sat. 4 – 5:15 PM
Feb. 1 Sun. 4 – 5:15 PM
Feb. 7 Sat. 4 – 5:15 PM ; Feb. 8 Sun. 4 – 5:15 PM
Feb. 14 Sat. 4 – 5:15 PM ; Feb. 15 Sun. 4 – 5:15 PM
Feb. 21 Sat. 4 – 5:15 PM ; Feb. 22 Sun. 4 – 5:15 PM
$3.00 adult ; $2.00 student ; Preschool and over 62 Free
$5.00 skate rental
FREE Button Up Vermont Workshop Tuesday, Oct. 28, Berlin Elementary School Gym 7–9PM Weatherization Workshop - Save Money Save Fuel (you do NOT have to be a Berlin resident to attend)
Free – No Sign-up – Refreshments – Childcare in Learning Center - Weatherization Door Prizes
The goals of the Button Up workshop are to improve residents’ understanding of:
• How your home loses energy
• Some of the most cost-effective solutions for saving energy
• An understanding of what you can do yourself and when you need a professional
• Some basic weatherization and energy conservation tips
• Health and safety issues associated with improving efficiency
• Technical and financial resources available
Discounts on weatherization materials will be provided by local sponsors, THANKS TO: Allen Lumber, Aubuchon Hardware, Fernandez Hardware, Nelson’s Ace Hardware, and Miles Supply
Berlin Fire Dept. Spaghetti Dinner 5 PM to 6:30, Oct. 28 (again, all welcome, you don't have to be a Berlin resident to attend)
A spaghetti dinner fundraiser sponsored by the Berlin Fire Department from 5pm to 6:30 pm will be held before the Button-up Workshop in the school gym. The cost of the dinner will be $8.00 per adult and $5.00 for children 10 years of age or younger with children 3 years and younger free. A family of four will be $20.00. The proceeds from the dinner will go to a winter fuel fund that will be managed by the Central Vermont Community Action Council.
For Program agenda and more information go to
This CENTRAL VERMONT GINGERBREAD HOUSE CONTEST can be something you work on at home or perhaps you're part of a group where it could be a project you work on there such Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, 4-H, KidWatch or Community Connections or even in the classroom!
Hey folks,
It’s that time of year again, where you and your loved ones can join in the fun and make a gingerbread house for the CVCLT “Home Sweet Home” Gingerbread House Contest. We have streamlined the categories and there are MANY opportunities to win fabulous prizes! So wake your kids and phone your neighbors and ask your friends to make a house for this fun FREE family event!
The Contest is Saturday, November 8th at City Hall in Montpelier. We are hoping for a great turnout this year! And we can’t do it without YOU. Information on rules and the entry form can be found at or you can call Peg at 476-4493 ex.213.
The mission of CVCLT is to create and sustain safe, decent, and affordable housing and build strong and diverse communities.
Because everyone deserves a “Home Sweet Home”
PS: The NECI “Frat House” gingerbread house in NOW on display at the Kellogg Hubbard Library, up in the Children’s area… stop by and take a look!
6th Annual Central Vermont Scholastic Chess Tournament
Saturday, November 15, 2008 at Berlin Elementary School
Come one, come all! This is an unrated chess tournament open to players of all abilities from Kindergarten through Grade 12, where the focus is on fun and sportsmanship. The Swiss system will be used, and all players will play 4 rounds (no-one will be eliminated.) Please bring a chess board and chess clock if you have one (not required.) Pre-Register by Nov. 12th for only $8 per player, or $15 per family. Register at door - $10 per player or $18 per family. Registration open from 9–9:30 AM. First round starts at 10AM. Food concessions available from 9 AM until 2 PM (including pizza at lunchtime). Awards given at approximately 3:00 PM. Pre-registration form and full details are available at: For more information, contact: Mike Stridsberg (Tournament Director) or Corinne Stridsberg (Event Organizer) at or call (802) 223-1948.
Nuturing Parenting Program coming to Berlin Elementary in January - this is a FREE program that runs for 10 weeks for parents of 5 - 11 year olds. More details to come! A short presentation to the PTNA is being considered for people to know better what this will include - is there interest??
PTNA Genevieve Fundraiser (wrapping paper & other proudcts) - most products are in but a few that were ordered on the wrong fundraising form were delayed and the handful of people who were missing products should have theirs soon. PTNA Go Green Fundraiser (light bulbs & more) - products should be arriving any day or perhaps did while we were out of school. Thanks for your support to enable PTNA to continue with the programs it supports such as Arts Enrichment that not only gets students to theater performances but brings performances and residencies into the school.
BERLIN FAMILY HALLOWEEN DANCE - November 1st, details on the school website.
Tuesday, November 4th voting is at the Berlin Town Offices from 8am - 7pm. If you won't be available then, go now to vote an absentee ballot or request one to be sent to you.
Jonathan Goddard who is running for House of Representive Berlin/Barre City seat was one of the candidates involved in a debate recently and he sent along this information regarding when you can watch it: The dates and time listed below are for the airing of the recent Barre City debate that the six candidates participated in. Please pass it along. It will air on Channel 23:
Wed. 10/29, 9:00 PM
Thurs. 10/30, 7:00 AM, 4:30PM, 7:00 PM
Fri. 1/31/, 8:00 AM and 12:00 PM
Fire Prevention Open House at the Berlin Fire Dept Sat. Oct. 11th 9am-1pm
Firefighters will be there to speak with people about burning wood this winter, the kids can look at the trucks and we will speak with the kids about not being scared of firefighters in their fire gear. There will be coffee, donuts and drinks for the kids. This should be a informative day for all. Hope to see you there. - Fire Chief Miles Silk home 461-4528 / cell 802-839-0255 Note that the fire department is also looking for new members
A couple related websites to check out: and - excellent video showing the different between the ionization and photoelectric smoke detectors and that having both is best.
DESSERTS NEEDED! The spaghetti dinner being put on by the Berlin Fire Dept on Tuesday, October 28th is in need of donated desserts along with salad veggies. If you can make a donation - please let us know. They will be able to be dropped off at the school kitchen on the 27th or 28th.
A FREE Button Up weatherization workshop will be held the evening of October 28th at Berlin Elem. from 7-9pm, childcare will be available. At 5pm that same night here at school the Berlin Fire Dept. will put on a spaghetti dinner as a fundraiser for a Winter Fuel Fund. $8 adults, $5 children 10 and younger with children 3 and younger free. Family of 4 $20. Berlin Energy Resource Page
Girl Scouts at Berlin -
Troop Leaders are needed, for the Daisy level (kindergarten and first grade) and for Brownies (grades 2 & 3). Training is provided. For more information please call Tammy Hoermann, Service Unit Coordinator at 229-4257
The Junior Troop 88, for girls in grades 4,5 and 6 will have their first meeting after school on Thursday, October 16th. Any girls interested in joining can call Mrs. Debbie Sanguinetti at 229-0775. Registration is $10 and meetings will be held once a month after school. Girl Scouting promotes leadership, courage and confidence.
VOTING TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4TH will be held at the Berlin Municipal Offices with the polls open from 8am - 7pm A checklist is posted at the Town Clerk's Office. If your name is not on it, then you must register to vote. Your application to be added to the checklist must be received by 5pm Wednesday, Oct. 29th at your Town Clerk's Office.
You can request early or absentee ballots in person, in writing or by telephone. Ways of voting early or absentee: 1) Vote in town clerk's office before November 4th, 2008 2) Voter may take the ballots out of the clerk's office for himself and return in same manner as if the ballots were received by mail. 3) Have ballot mailed to you and return it to clerk's office before Election Day or to polling place before 7pm on Election Day. 4) If you are sick or disabled, you may ask the town clerk to have two justices of the peace bring a ballot to you at your home on any of the eight days preceding the day of the election or the day of election.
Any Voter who wants assistance for any reason may bring the person of his or her choice (except employer or union representative) into the voting booth to help or may ask for assistance from two election officials.
Voters who cannot get from the car into the polling place may have a ballot brought to a car outside the polls by two election officials.
Sgt. Bob Leary of the Berlin Police Dept. recently died. Thought many of you may be interested in this: BOB–toberest - A celebration of the spirit of Bob Leary
Saturday - November 8, 2008 - 12:00 (Noon)
Shortly before Bob passed he was involved in organizing an Octoberfest fundraiser for the Roxbury Free Library. In his last days he was deeply disappointed that he was unable to complete this task and saddened that Octoberfest had to be postponed. He looked forward to the great food and socializing that would come with this event.
As much as Bob enjoyed a gathering he expressly did not wish to have any service or funeral. What truly pleased him was a gathering that brought people together in a positive way. With this in mind, we would like to invite all who wish to celebrate his life to Bob-toberest.
We will gather at the Roxbury Community Center for a “pot-luck” Octoberfest. If you can, bring a “German” dish, a photo or the best Bob story you can think of. Most importantly, bring yourself and help us celebrate the spirit of this special “big hearted” man.
If you are able to bring food or beverages, please coordinate your contribution with:
Frank or Ruth at 485-5140 or at
The annual Central Vermont Scholastic Chess Tournament will take place Saturday, November 15th at Berlin Elementary School. This is an unrated chess tournament open to players of all abilities from Kindergarten through Grade 12, where the focus is on fun and sportsmanship. Local students and those from throughout Vermont are expected to participate. The Swiss system will be used, and all players will play 4 rounds (no-one will be eliminated.) Please bring a chess board and chess clock if you have one (not required.) Pre-Register by Nov. 12th for only $8 per player, or $15 per family. Register at door - $10 per player or $18 per family. Registration open from 9–9:30 AM. First round starts at 10AM. Food concessions available from 9 AM until 2 PM (including pizza at lunchtime). Awards given at approximately 3:00 PM. Pre-registration form and full details are available at: For more information, contact: Mike Stridsberg (Tournament Director) or Corinne Stridsberg (Event Organizer) at or call (802) 223-1948.
Sugarbush Ski Program - Look for for information to be coming but here are the basic details: This program includes up through age 17 as of sign up. The program begins in January and is for six Sunday afternoons throughout the winter. Cost is $186 for the lift ticket, rentals and clinic for all six times. Folks can also purchase just the lift ticket for $120, just the lift ticket and rental for $156 or the clinic only (which assumes they already have a season's pass and their own equipment) for $60. It's really an excellent deal for skiers. Parents are welcome to join their children at the same cost. Families can also purchase season's passes for children only from me at greatly reduced prices....haven't got that pricing information yet. - Marcia Bowles
SPECIAL SCHOOL BOARD MEETING The Berlin Elementary School Board will meet in the Learning Center at Berlin Elementary School on Monday, November 10th, 2008 at 6pm. RE: Discuss Autralian Ballot
There will be a SPECIAL TOWN MEETING held on Monday evening, November 10th at 7:00 p.m at Berlin Elementary School. One of the articles has to do with how we vote the school budget. The article reads: "Shall the Town of Berlin vote to use Australian ballot to approve or disapprove Berlin Elementary School budget?"
Saturday, November 15, 2008 at the Pavilion Building, next to the State House in Montpelier, at the VT Historical Society Museum. Logging with Pete: Into the Woods for Winter. Pete will create for us the traditional life of a Vermont logging camp, showing us his tools, gear, food - and even his union suit and boot felts! Peggy Pearl, the curator of education of the Fairbanks Museum in St. Johnsbury, plays the part of Pete the Logger. 10am-noon $8 per child, $5 for members, no cost for parents. To register, call 828-2180 or email
VT Historical Society's Family Fun series mixes history, demonstrations, hands-on activities and snacks, and creates a fun experience! Parents and children learn together!
More Family Fun Coming Up!
Forming Mortise and Tenon Joints. December 13, 2008 (ages 7-12) We'll practice carving wood, and we'll build something with this old-fashioned woodworking technique. Instructor: Syver Rogstad.
Carving Soft Stone. January 10, 2009 (ages 11-13) We'll try our hand at carving marble with one of Barre's stone carvers. Instructor: George
Creating Wigs and Silhouettes. February 14, 2009 (ages 6-10) We'll re-create powdered wigs and silhouettes for ourselves!
Rope Twisting and Knot Tying. March 14, 2009 (ages 11-13) Come learn how people made rope. Then we'll try splicing and learn some knots! Instructor: Art Blair.
6th Annual Central VT Scholastic Chess Tournament
Saturday, Nov. 15th, 2008 at Berlin Elementary School
Come one, come all! This is an unrated chess tournament open to players of all abilities from Kindergarten through Grade 12, where the focus is on fun and sportsmanship. The Swiss system will be used, and all players will play 4 rounds (no-one will be eliminated.) Please bring a chess board and chess clock if you have one (not required.) Pre-Register by Nov. 12th for only $8 per player, or $15 per family. Register at door - $10 per player or $18 per family. Registration open from 9–9:30 AM. First round starts at 10AM. Food concessions available from 9 AM until 2 PM (including pizza at lunchtime). Awards given at approximately 3:00 PM. Pre-registration form and full details are available at: For more information, contact: Mike Stridsberg (Tournament Director) or Corinne Stridsberg (Event Organizer) at or call (802) 223-1948 .
Note the Scholastic Book Fair will be open in the Learning Center from 10am - 2pm on Saturday, Nov. 15th
Friday, November 21st FAMILY GAME NIGHT 6pm-8pm Try your hand at your old favorites or learn some new games. Othello, cribbage, chess, checkers, Sequence, Quarto, card games, dominoes, Yahtzee, Aggravation, Battleship, Connect Four, backgammon, dice games, Trouble, Candyland, Hi Ho Cherry-O, Memory, Chutes & Ladders and many more. Bring a dish to share for potluck; games will be in the Learning Center. The Scholastic Book Fair will be open. All Berlin families and your guests are welcome. Please park in the side parking lot.
THANKSGIVING INDOOR FARMERS MARKET, Saturday, November 22nd 10am - 2pm at the Montpelier High School Gym
Winter Farmers Market will be on the first Saturdays December 1st - April 5th 10am-2pm at the Vermont College Gym
Note: Berlin has an outdoor skating rink with a warming hut over behind the town offices / police station. It will be announced when this opens. There is also an indoor rink open year round in Waterbury:
2008-2009 Public Skating
CV Memorial Civic Center
268 Gallison Hill Road
Montpelier VT
Nov. 8 Sat. 4 – 5:15 PM ; Nov. 9 Sun. 4 – 5:15 PM
Nov. 15 Sat. 4 – 5:15 PM ; Nov. 16 Sun. 4 – 5:15 PM
Nov. 22 Sat. 4 – 5:15 PM ; Nov. 23 Sun. 4 – 5:15 PM
Nov. 26 Wed. 1 – 2:30 PM
Nov. 28 Fri. 1 – 2:20 PM
Nov. 29 Sat. 4 – 5:15 PM ; Nov. 30 Sun. 4 – 5:15 PM
Dec. 6 Sat. 1 – 2:15 PM ; Dec. 7 Sun. 4 – 5:15 PM
Dec. 13 Sat. 4 – 5:15 PM ; Dec. 14 Sun. 4 – 5:15 PM
Dec. 20 Sat. 4 – 5:15 PM ; Dec. 21 Sun. 4 – 5:15 PM
Dec. 24 Wed. 1 – 2:30 PM
Dec. 26 Fri. 1 – 2:30 PM
Dec. 27. Sat 1 – 2:30 PM ; Dec. 28 Sun. 4 – 5:15 PM
Dec. 29 Mon. 1 – 2:30 PM
Dec. 31 Wed. 1 – 3:00 PM (First Night)
Jan. 1 Thurs. 1- 2:30 PM
Jan. 2 Fri. 1 -2:30 PM
Jan. 3 Sat. 4 – 5:15 PM ; Jan. 4. Sun. 4 – 5:15 PM
Jan. 10 Sat. 4 – 5:15 PM ; Jan. 11 Sun. 4 – 5:15 PM
Jan. 17 Sat. 1 – 2:15 PM ; Jan. 18 Sun. 4 – 5:15 PM
Jan. 19 Mon. 1 – 2:30 PM
Jan. 24 Sat. 4 – 5:15 PM ; Jan. 25 Sun. 4 – 5:15 PM
Jan. 31 Sat. 4 – 5:15 PM
Feb. 1 Sun. 4 – 5:15 PM
Feb. 7 Sat. 4 – 5:15 PM ; Feb. 8 Sun. 4 – 5:15 PM
Feb. 14 Sat. 4 – 5:15 PM ; Feb. 15 Sun. 4 – 5:15 PM
Feb. 21 Sat. 4 – 5:15 PM ; Feb. 22 Sun. 4 – 5:15 PM
$3.00 adult ; $2.00 student ; Preschool and over 62 Free
$5.00 skate rental
FREE Button Up Vermont Workshop Tuesday, Oct. 28, Berlin Elementary School Gym 7–9PM Weatherization Workshop - Save Money Save Fuel (you do NOT have to be a Berlin resident to attend)
Free – No Sign-up – Refreshments – Childcare in Learning Center - Weatherization Door Prizes
The goals of the Button Up workshop are to improve residents’ understanding of:
• How your home loses energy
• Some of the most cost-effective solutions for saving energy
• An understanding of what you can do yourself and when you need a professional
• Some basic weatherization and energy conservation tips
• Health and safety issues associated with improving efficiency
• Technical and financial resources available
Discounts on weatherization materials will be provided by local sponsors, THANKS TO: Allen Lumber, Aubuchon Hardware, Fernandez Hardware, Nelson’s Ace Hardware, and Miles Supply
Berlin Fire Dept. Spaghetti Dinner 5 PM to 6:30, Oct. 28 (again, all welcome, you don't have to be a Berlin resident to attend)
A spaghetti dinner fundraiser sponsored by the Berlin Fire Department from 5pm to 6:30 pm will be held before the Button-up Workshop in the school gym. The cost of the dinner will be $8.00 per adult and $5.00 for children 10 years of age or younger with children 3 years and younger free. A family of four will be $20.00. The proceeds from the dinner will go to a winter fuel fund that will be managed by the Central Vermont Community Action Council.
For Program agenda and more information go to
This CENTRAL VERMONT GINGERBREAD HOUSE CONTEST can be something you work on at home or perhaps you're part of a group where it could be a project you work on there such Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, 4-H, KidWatch or Community Connections or even in the classroom!
Hey folks,
It’s that time of year again, where you and your loved ones can join in the fun and make a gingerbread house for the CVCLT “Home Sweet Home” Gingerbread House Contest. We have streamlined the categories and there are MANY opportunities to win fabulous prizes! So wake your kids and phone your neighbors and ask your friends to make a house for this fun FREE family event!
The Contest is Saturday, November 8th at City Hall in Montpelier. We are hoping for a great turnout this year! And we can’t do it without YOU. Information on rules and the entry form can be found at or you can call Peg at 476-4493 ex.213.
The mission of CVCLT is to create and sustain safe, decent, and affordable housing and build strong and diverse communities.
Because everyone deserves a “Home Sweet Home”
PS: The NECI “Frat House” gingerbread house in NOW on display at the Kellogg Hubbard Library, up in the Children’s area… stop by and take a look!
6th Annual Central Vermont Scholastic Chess Tournament
Saturday, November 15, 2008 at Berlin Elementary School
Come one, come all! This is an unrated chess tournament open to players of all abilities from Kindergarten through Grade 12, where the focus is on fun and sportsmanship. The Swiss system will be used, and all players will play 4 rounds (no-one will be eliminated.) Please bring a chess board and chess clock if you have one (not required.) Pre-Register by Nov. 12th for only $8 per player, or $15 per family. Register at door - $10 per player or $18 per family. Registration open from 9–9:30 AM. First round starts at 10AM. Food concessions available from 9 AM until 2 PM (including pizza at lunchtime). Awards given at approximately 3:00 PM. Pre-registration form and full details are available at: For more information, contact: Mike Stridsberg (Tournament Director) or Corinne Stridsberg (Event Organizer) at or call (802) 223-1948.
Nuturing Parenting Program coming to Berlin Elementary in January - this is a FREE program that runs for 10 weeks for parents of 5 - 11 year olds. More details to come! A short presentation to the PTNA is being considered for people to know better what this will include - is there interest??
PTNA Genevieve Fundraiser (wrapping paper & other proudcts) - most products are in but a few that were ordered on the wrong fundraising form were delayed and the handful of people who were missing products should have theirs soon. PTNA Go Green Fundraiser (light bulbs & more) - products should be arriving any day or perhaps did while we were out of school. Thanks for your support to enable PTNA to continue with the programs it supports such as Arts Enrichment that not only gets students to theater performances but brings performances and residencies into the school.
BERLIN FAMILY HALLOWEEN DANCE - November 1st, details on the school website.
Tuesday, November 4th voting is at the Berlin Town Offices from 8am - 7pm. If you won't be available then, go now to vote an absentee ballot or request one to be sent to you.
Jonathan Goddard who is running for House of Representive Berlin/Barre City seat was one of the candidates involved in a debate recently and he sent along this information regarding when you can watch it: The dates and time listed below are for the airing of the recent Barre City debate that the six candidates participated in. Please pass it along. It will air on Channel 23:
Wed. 10/29, 9:00 PM
Thurs. 10/30, 7:00 AM, 4:30PM, 7:00 PM
Fri. 1/31/, 8:00 AM and 12:00 PM
Fire Prevention Open House at the Berlin Fire Dept Sat. Oct. 11th 9am-1pm
Firefighters will be there to speak with people about burning wood this winter, the kids can look at the trucks and we will speak with the kids about not being scared of firefighters in their fire gear. There will be coffee, donuts and drinks for the kids. This should be a informative day for all. Hope to see you there. - Fire Chief Miles Silk home 461-4528 / cell 802-839-0255 Note that the fire department is also looking for new members
A couple related websites to check out: and - excellent video showing the different between the ionization and photoelectric smoke detectors and that having both is best.
DESSERTS NEEDED! The spaghetti dinner being put on by the Berlin Fire Dept on Tuesday, October 28th is in need of donated desserts along with salad veggies. If you can make a donation - please let us know. They will be able to be dropped off at the school kitchen on the 27th or 28th.
A FREE Button Up weatherization workshop will be held the evening of October 28th at Berlin Elem. from 7-9pm, childcare will be available. At 5pm that same night here at school the Berlin Fire Dept. will put on a spaghetti dinner as a fundraiser for a Winter Fuel Fund. $8 adults, $5 children 10 and younger with children 3 and younger free. Family of 4 $20. Berlin Energy Resource Page
Girl Scouts at Berlin -
Troop Leaders are needed, for the Daisy level (kindergarten and first grade) and for Brownies (grades 2 & 3). Training is provided. For more information please call Tammy Hoermann, Service Unit Coordinator at 229-4257
The Junior Troop 88, for girls in grades 4,5 and 6 will have their first meeting after school on Thursday, October 16th. Any girls interested in joining can call Mrs. Debbie Sanguinetti at 229-0775. Registration is $10 and meetings will be held once a month after school. Girl Scouting promotes leadership, courage and confidence.
VOTING TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4TH will be held at the Berlin Municipal Offices with the polls open from 8am - 7pm A checklist is posted at the Town Clerk's Office. If your name is not on it, then you must register to vote. Your application to be added to the checklist must be received by 5pm Wednesday, Oct. 29th at your Town Clerk's Office.
You can request early or absentee ballots in person, in writing or by telephone. Ways of voting early or absentee: 1) Vote in town clerk's office before November 4th, 2008 2) Voter may take the ballots out of the clerk's office for himself and return in same manner as if the ballots were received by mail. 3) Have ballot mailed to you and return it to clerk's office before Election Day or to polling place before 7pm on Election Day. 4) If you are sick or disabled, you may ask the town clerk to have two justices of the peace bring a ballot to you at your home on any of the eight days preceding the day of the election or the day of election.
Any Voter who wants assistance for any reason may bring the person of his or her choice (except employer or union representative) into the voting booth to help or may ask for assistance from two election officials.
Voters who cannot get from the car into the polling place may have a ballot brought to a car outside the polls by two election officials.
Sgt. Bob Leary of the Berlin Police Dept. recently died. Thought many of you may be interested in this: BOB–toberest - A celebration of the spirit of Bob Leary
Saturday - November 8, 2008 - 12:00 (Noon)
Shortly before Bob passed he was involved in organizing an Octoberfest fundraiser for the Roxbury Free Library. In his last days he was deeply disappointed that he was unable to complete this task and saddened that Octoberfest had to be postponed. He looked forward to the great food and socializing that would come with this event.
As much as Bob enjoyed a gathering he expressly did not wish to have any service or funeral. What truly pleased him was a gathering that brought people together in a positive way. With this in mind, we would like to invite all who wish to celebrate his life to Bob-toberest.
We will gather at the Roxbury Community Center for a “pot-luck” Octoberfest. If you can, bring a “German” dish, a photo or the best Bob story you can think of. Most importantly, bring yourself and help us celebrate the spirit of this special “big hearted” man.
If you are able to bring food or beverages, please coordinate your contribution with:
Frank or Ruth at 485-5140 or at
The annual Central Vermont Scholastic Chess Tournament will take place Saturday, November 15th at Berlin Elementary School. This is an unrated chess tournament open to players of all abilities from Kindergarten through Grade 12, where the focus is on fun and sportsmanship. Local students and those from throughout Vermont are expected to participate. The Swiss system will be used, and all players will play 4 rounds (no-one will be eliminated.) Please bring a chess board and chess clock if you have one (not required.) Pre-Register by Nov. 12th for only $8 per player, or $15 per family. Register at door - $10 per player or $18 per family. Registration open from 9–9:30 AM. First round starts at 10AM. Food concessions available from 9 AM until 2 PM (including pizza at lunchtime). Awards given at approximately 3:00 PM. Pre-registration form and full details are available at: For more information, contact: Mike Stridsberg (Tournament Director) or Corinne Stridsberg (Event Organizer) at or call (802) 223-1948.
Sugarbush Ski Program - Look for for information to be coming but here are the basic details: This program includes up through age 17 as of sign up. The program begins in January and is for six Sunday afternoons throughout the winter. Cost is $186 for the lift ticket, rentals and clinic for all six times. Folks can also purchase just the lift ticket for $120, just the lift ticket and rental for $156 or the clinic only (which assumes they already have a season's pass and their own equipment) for $60. It's really an excellent deal for skiers. Parents are welcome to join their children at the same cost. Families can also purchase season's passes for children only from me at greatly reduced prices....haven't got that pricing information yet. - Marcia Bowles