Monday, January 23, 2012


News to Know January 23

Posted by Corinne Stridsberg. Please contact her to be added to the email send list. Be sure to take another look at previous postings (below) for upcoming events. Also check out the Berlin, Vermont Community News page on facebook
Has anybody, especially on Route 12, seen huge increases in their electric bills since Irene? I don't mean the typical winter rates increase. If you have, whether or not anybody has figured out why,could you let me know.
With petition deadlines looming and Town Meeting around the corner, these links could be of interest:

Vermont Elections

"It's YOUR Turn, A Call to Public Office"

Municipal Law Basics

Town of Berlin , Select Board Special Meeting, Monday, January 23, 2012 , 6:30 PM
Selectboard Members: Susan Gretkowski, Chair; Roberta Haskin, Vice Chair; Jonathan Goddard, Secretary; Brad Towne, and Ture Nelson. Times are advisory only. Agenda items may be discussed earlier or later than indicated times. Minutes from this meeting will be available on our website.
6:30 Call to Order
6:31 Public Comment
6:35 FY 12/13 Budget
7:00 Vermont State Hospital – Jeb Spaulding, Secretary of Administration; Patrick Flood, Commissioner of the Department of Mental Health; Mike Obuchowski, Commissioner of Buildings and General Services.
7:20 Executive Session - Personnel
KELLOGG-HUBBARD LIBRARY will indeed be on the ballot Town Meeting Day, however, they decided NOT to increase the amount they are requesting since last year so the petitions are not needed. Thanks to all of you who went out of your way to sign one for our community library!
- - More from the Kellogg-Hubbard Annual Report: "Library programs continue to be a highlight. For children we offer Story times on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday at 10:30, ”Treasure Tales”, a twice monthly story time for older children, and weekly After-School Activities on Tuesday and Friday. The activities change every few
weeks, to encourage a wider range of learning and discovery! On Thursdays we have reading to Coco (a special dog who loves to be read to) We offer 1-2 Young Adult nights each month, for ages 13 through high school. Special events are also scheduled throughout the year, and we look forward to the 2012 summer reading program, Dream Big for children and Own the Night for young adults. One of our most popular events is the stuffed animal sleep over in August, which is a literacy
promotion and drew 77 animals and lots of community participation. Adult programs planned for 2012 include First Wednesdays, the monthly Transition Town programs, Poem City in April and International Film Series."
The MONTPELIER SENIOR ACTIVITY CENTER, which welcomes folks from central Vermont is looking for registered voter signatures on their petition in support of the request they wish to have on the ballot this year asking Berlin for $700. A petition can be found at the Montpelier Senior Acivity Center on Barre Street in Montpelier and
they are also at the Berlin Town Office and at the Berlin Elementary School (bulletin board in lobby). Are you familiar with the center? They have an exciting variety of low cost activities and even scholarships available so that financial hardship isn't a barrier. Anyone aged 50 and above can join as a member. Those in living in Berlin pay $25 for the year plus activity fees. If it's your first
time, you'll recieve $5 toward a class, activity or trip. Current membership year runs from July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012. Most classes will cost just $17 for a three month semester, this is a discounted rate for towns that support the Montpelier Senior Activity Center. There are also events that are free and open to the public regardless of age or membership. More information can be found on their website
Berlin Artist Christine Hartman is participating in "The Chair" exhibit at the Chandler Gallery in Randolph, opening January 21st through March 6th. More info at
YOUTH CHESS CLUB - Longstanding volunteer Robert "Bob" Nichols teaches strategy & leads chess games every Wednesday at 5:30 pm at the Kellogg-Hubbard Library on Main Street, Montpelier. Bob also helps us with the chess tournaments we put on at
Berlin Elementary School.
Check out Orca Media for Video on Demand where they are posting various meetings in central Vermont
2012 FARMERS’ NIGHT CONCERT SERIES, next performance is January 25th at 7:30pm at the Vermont State House – Vermont Symphony Orchestra. All performances take place in the House Chamber. For a complete schedule visit:
DOG RIVER DYNAMICS (UPDATE) Berlin, VT – On January 26th, The Conservation Commissions of Northfield and Berlin along with Norwich University, the Winooski Natural Resource Conservation District and the Friends of the Winooski River are sponsoring a program to discuss the impact of Tropical Storm Irene and other flood events in the context of how we have traditionally managed streams and what other
options we should consider based on river science to improve flood resiliency. The program will be held on Thursday January 26th from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. in Room 85 on the ground floor, of the Cabot Science building on the Norwich University campus
The program will start with an overview of the geology of the Dog River watershed and lead into a presentation on river dynamics and management. This program will look at the interaction and conflicts between the river and our development and how traditional management practices of gravel extraction, straightening and armoring of banks impacts rivers and downstream communities and infrastructure. There will be discussion on how Tropical Storm Irene impacted the Dog River watershed and its communities and how we can change our management practices to improve flood resiliency of river communities. The program will also include a discussion on Irene’s impacts on the fish population.
Speakers will include a river scientist and watershed planner from the Department of Environmental Conservation, a Norwich geology professor, a Department of Fish and Wildlife biologist and town staff.
"Members of Colchester Technical Rescue stayed busy saving lives during Irene" recent article in the Burlington Free Press.
"The Tweed after Irene: How to repair a ruined river" recent article in the Burlington Free Press
BROOKFIELD ICE HARVEST, January 28th 10am (last Saturday of Jan.) at Sunset Lake in Brookfield by the Floating Bridge. The whole family can see how ice was harvest on Sunset Lake at the turn-of-the-century. Demonstration of ice cutting and the ice boom used to move blocks of ice to wagons. Food, fun and an ice hauling contest. There is no admission fee. For info call 276-3959 Check out the 2011 event at:
LATIN DINNER DANCE ON SATURDAY, JANUARY 28TH AT U-32 - have you made plans to attend yet? If you're looking to purchase tickets ask a student in music at U-32. If you don't know such a student, there is one in our house so you can contact us! Hope to see you there! It's always a fun evening out and a great cause!
ICE ON FIRE / CENTRAL VERMONT WINTER FESTIVAL Sunday, January 29th 2pm – 5pm North Branch Nature Ctr, Elm St, Montpelier. Bundle up & head out for this snow celebration of community. Children’s activities, winter games, theater, song & storytelling. Opening parade at 2pm, closing bonfire at 5pm. Food, hot cider, hot chocolate. Snowshoes provided, bring x-country skis & sleds. Suggested donation $1-$5 or bring baked goods in lieu of cash donation. Find on facebook or call
223-0577 for info or to volunteer.
VERMONT HISTORY EXPO 2012 - Save the date
Tunbridge, VT - The Vermont Historical Society returns to the Tunbridge World's Fairgrounds with the Vermont History Expo on June 16 and 17, 2012. A unique country history fair, the Vermont History Expo features workshops, crafters, musicians, authors, local Vermont historical societies and museums, reenactors, and many more
opportunities to step back in time. Now an every-other-year event, and this year's theme is Vermont in the Civil War.
Tess Taylor, Director of Education and Public Programming, says, "6,000 past participants can't be wrong! The History Expo is down-home fun whether you are 8 or 88." The Expo is a popular two-day event that showcases stories and exhibits from our local Vermont historical societies and museums. Added to that are offerings from cultural heritage organizations, genealogy and research organizations, experts
on Vermont history topics, heritage animals, fabulous food, 19th-century children's games, music, reenactments, a live country auction, presentations and authors make this country fair dedicated to our state's heritage.
Half-price admission is offered for those in period dress as well as special pricing for families. Advance discounted tickets are available for Vermont Historical Society members. Please contact Tess Taylor at (802) 479-8505 for more information or look online at
The Vermont Historical Society is a nonprofit organization that operates the Vermont History Museum in Montpelier, the Leahy Library in Barre, and programming throughout the state. Established in 1838, its purpose is to reach a broad audience through outstanding collections and statewide outreach. The Vermont Historical Society
believes that an understanding of the past changes lives and builds better communities. Visit the Society's website at

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