Thursday, October 25, 2012


Preparing for Possible Storm

Please take a moment to read through the following press release from Vermont Emergency Management regarding the potential storm next week which includes a few basic tips on how you can prepare. Please don't forget checking in with your neighbors, especially the elderly who may need some assistance.
If you're a facebook user - a few pages of note that will be updating with information regarding this and other potential storms include the Vermont Emergency Management, the US National Weather Service Burlington VT, and WCAX-TV.
Mark Bosma, Public Information Officer
Vermont Emergency Management
3:00 p.m.
Vermonters Encouraged to Prepare for Possible Storm
Track of Hurricane Sandy highly uncertain
WATERBURY, VT– Vermont Emergency Management is encouraging Vermonters to prepare for any possible adverse effects from Hurricane Sandy. The storm is forecast to move up the east coast throughout the weekend and make landfall in the northeast early next week.
The National Weather Service reports that where the storm will make landfall, and what exact effects may be felt in Vermontare highly uncertain at this point. However, it is likely Vermontwill see a significant amount of rain and high winds between Monday night and Wednesday.
“We won’t know until this weekend exactly what we can expect from this storm, so we are preparing for anything,” Vermont Public Safety Commissioner Keith Flynn said. “My staff will continue to follow the storm throughout the weekend and we are preparing our possible response as if the worst-case scenario will occur.”
Vermont Emergency Management has been working with the National Weather Service this week to track the possible scenarios for the storm. VEM has also reached out to other state agencies, local Emergency Management Directors, and other emergency response partners to keep them abreast of the possibility of an emergency response early next week.
Individuals are encouraged to stay tuned to local media to track the progress of the storm.
“Vermonters should always be prepared for anything,” Vermont Emergency Management Director Joe Flynn said. “With this storm we are fortunate that we have time to get ourselves ready. This weekend would be an ideal time to do things like clear leaves from storm drains and remove anything from lawns that could blow around and do some damage. Those simple steps alone could prevent significant damage if the storm is severe.”
Other suggested preparedness actions:
The "More Tips" link at the bottom of the press release bring you to a "Disaster Preparedness" page which includes emergency preparedness workbooks and more.
Simple Preparation Tips brings you to "Preparing for Hazards"

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