Monday, August 04, 2014


News to Know August 4, 2014

BERLIN NEWS TO KNOW  August 4, 2014
This  communication is put together and distributed on a volunteer basis by resident Corinne Stridsberg simply in an effort to share information and build community, it is not from the town of Berlin.
Please share this with your Berlin friends and neighbors.  If you're not already receiving this news directly by email, send an email to request this to
Check out the "Berlin, Vermont" Community News page on facebook to find bits of current news, some not included here:

Note:  A friend of mine called Tom at "T&T Truck for Hire in Montpelier 224-1360" and was quite pleased with the help in getting the last of the items out of a storage unit instead of having to make several trips with her vehicle.  She thought the price was reasonable and was a time and gas saver.

Below you will find:
- certified organic chicken;
- opportunities to meet the new U-32 principal;
- notes from the 7/21 selectboard meeting;
- GMTA seeking volunteer drivers; and
- Harpoon fundraiser bike ride to support the VT Foodbank

Berlin tax bills have NOT been sent out yet.   They are usually mailed in July with a due date of August 15th.  The bills are anticipated to be sent out the week of August 18th with a due date in September.  The remaining three payment dates will remain November 15th, February 15th, and May 15th.  Thanks for your patience.

DRB Change in Agenda for August 5th 7pm meeting at the Town Office
The applicant for Application 14-034 has asked to postpone "Continuation of Site Plan Review, Permitted Use and Conditional Use Review, Special Flood Hazard Area of an application by Malone Properties for demolition of existing structures and construction of three new buildings with associated parking and utilities".
Remaining on the agenda is Application 14-040 "Continuation of Site Plan Review, Permitted Use and Conditional Use Review of an application by Maplewood Limited of Montpelier for development of Convenience Store including deli and fuel island."
Central Vermont Runners are sponsoring the “Berlin Pond Five Miler” on Thursday, August 14th at 6pm.  Race day registration only 4:45-5:45pm sharp at the Town Office at 108 Shed Road.  $5.00 fee. This is a 5 mile loop counterclockwise around Berlin Pond which is a mix of flat and hilly dirt roads.  For more information:  (no baby joggers/ no headphones /no dogs)
Mark your calendars for August 30th to enjoy the No Strings production of "Field of Faeries" at 1:00 p.m. as part of Northfield Vermont's Labor Day Celebration on the Green in Northfield, Vermont.  Their public performance schedule can be fount at:
Below are some recent posts .... there have been many more about a variety of topics, looking for services, garage sales, meeting announcements, events, etc.  Membership is free - to join go to:


Support Your Vermont Organic Farmer and Starve the Doctor Peter Burmei (FPF issue #397 8/4/14)

We have the only Vermont State inspected NOFA certified organic chicken in Central Vermont. Check the label on the chicken you've been buying. Is it inspected? Is it certified organic? Probably not. Our birds are fed on certified organic Vermont sourced grain, some of which we grow right here at the farm. When ready our birds are harvested and processed in our own brand new Vermont State inspected plant on the farm. These are the best chickens you have ever tasted and you can eat them knowing they never have been treated with growth hormones, antibiotics or anything artificial. If you order two birds or more we will deliver within 10 miles of Montpelier. In two weeks we will have our amazing grass-fed Normande ground beef available again. Call to reserve your order because we always sell out. Eat well and be healthy. Support your local Vermont organic farmer and starve the doctor. Also, you can see us every Saturday at the Barre Farmer's Market. If you order in advance you can pick up your chicken and beef there. $5.00 a pound for chicken. $6.00 a pound for ground beef. 224-9049

U-32 Principal Community Message and Invite (FPF issue #397 8/4/14)

Dear U-32 School Community,
I am excited about the upcoming school year as I begin my role as the principal of U-32. The enthusiasm and commitment of this community surrounding education has come across in every encounter I have had. As soon as I mention that I am the new principal of U-32, I hear how wonderful this school is. I am happy to bring my 18 years as an educator, the last 7 of which I was a principal and high school supervisor, to this great school. My family and I are slowly integrating into the community; we bought a house in Berlin and we have just moved in.
What I have seen so far is a school and a community that cultivates passionate, creative, and empowered learners who contribute to their local and global community. As I learn about all the programs, curricular and co-curricular, it is evident that education at U-32 is really about the whole child. During my first days in the office, I have seen kids arriving for Jazz Camp, Athletic camps, summer programs, and teachers working on curriculum, instruction and professional development. It is wonderful how well the U-32 facility is used in the summer even as the building and grounds, maintenance and custodial staff work diligently to get the building ready for the new school year.
My next goal is to meet more members of the community. I want to provide opportunities for parents, students, staff, and the greater community to meet me, so that I can learn more about the hopes, goals, dreams and desires that everyone has for our students. I am going to set aside time in August for the community to come to U-32 to meet me. I will also be looking for some of the local gathering places to meet the community closer to their homes, so if you have a favorite location and time that might work, just give me a call or send me an email. And finally, I will schedule some time to meet students so they have an opportunity to speak for themselves about goals and dreams. 

Dates and Times to meet me at U-32:
August 6th 3:00-5:00 PM / August 7th 11:30 AM-1:00 PM / August 8th 7:30-9:00 AM
August 25th Meet your TA Night 5:00 PM / September 4th is Open House at U-32 6:00 PM
I hope you will take one of these opportunities to come and meet me. I will strive to have regular communication with the entire U-32 community throughout the year so everyone knows about the great work that our students are doing. I expect U-32 to be the leader in education for Vermont and I encourage you to be a part of this great community of learners.
Steven Dellinger-Pate 
Principal U-32 Junior/Senior High School

Notes from July 21 Selectboard Meeting (FPF issue #395 8/2/14)

Jeremy Hansen Selectboard Member, Berlin 
Posted to: Berlin
This was our first meeting without Town Administrator Jeff Schulz and the information he brings to the table, so things went fairly quickly. We appointed Assistant Town Administrator Tom Badowski to the position of interim Town Administrator and increased his hourly rate to $25/hour while he serves in this capacity.
1) Solar grant
As I've mentioned before, and has been recently in the news, Berlin received a $20,000 grant to install solar panels on the town office. We'll have to put up the other $20,000 of matching funds to get the project rolling, but that'll be paid back fairly quickly with the electricity savings.
There was a brief discussion of using the property on Muzzy Road that was bought out after being flooded by Irene for a field of solar panels or community gardens. Any thoughts?
2) Vacancies
Longtime Berlin resident, volunteer on many boards, web master, and Berlin Historical Society member Norb Rhinerson is in the process of moving out of town, and has vacated his seats on the Cemetery Commission and the Sewer Commission. The Cemetery Commission is responsible for the care of the Town's historic cemeteries, and the Sewer Commission manages all aspects of the Town's Sewer system, and will likely change over soon to be responsible for the future water system as well. If you're interested in serving on either of these Commissions, please let me or any other Selectboard member know!
3) Town Administrator interviewing
We're in the process of interviewing a new Town Administrator, and have begun the phone interviews. We hope to do in-person interviews soon, and are still shooting for making an offer by the end of August.
Our next meeting is Monday, August 4th at 7pm - I'll be posting the agenda as soon as I get it. As always, get a hold of me if you have any questions or concerns.

Volunteer Drivers Needed (FPF issue #394 7/30/14)

Tawnya Kristen • Community Relations Mngr., GMTA 
The Green Mountain Transit Agency (GMTA) is currently in need of volunteer drivers to provide rides for those in your community needing access to health care, meal site, senior center and daily needs. GMTA Volunteer Drivers are able to design their own schedule based on availability, are reimbursed for the miles they drive and provide a vital service for those in their community. Whether you can volunteer just a few hours or each day of the week, you will be providing your neighbor an essential connection to independence and well-being. Please contact GMTA to learn more at 802.223-7287
This fundraiser bike ride to support the VT Foodbank takes place on August 9th.

Harpoon Point to Point Bike Ride (FPF issue #391 7/23/14)

Jonathan Goddard Hill Street Extention 
My wife Becky and I are riding this year's Harpoon Point to Point bike ride to benefit the Vermont Foodbank. She will be riding the 25 mile route, while I will be riding the 100 mile route; my first century ride! The ride includes hundreds of cyclists from all over NE, and I will be riding with my brother-in-law from Quebec. It is by far, the largest annual fundraising event for the Vermont Foodbank with this year's goal being $150,000, to be raised.
Unfortunately, there are many Vermonters who struggle with getting enough to eat and the summer months can be especially challenging for families with school aged children.
Please help us help the Foodbank reach their fundraising goals by going to our fundraising pages. Donations can be made anonymously if you so choose.
Jonathan Goddard


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