Sunday, November 09, 2014


News To Know November 7, 2014

BERLIN NEWS TO KNOW  November 7, 2014
This  communication is put together and distributed on a volunteer basis by resident Corinne Stridsberg simply in an effort to share information and build community, it is not from the town of Berlin.
Please share this with your Berlin friends and neighbors.  If you're not already receiving this news directly by email, send an email to request this to
Check out the "Berlin, Vermont" Community News page on facebook to find bits of current news, some not included here:

Glad to see people turn out to vote on Tuesday, although more could have! 

Just as important as voting is weighing in with any questions, suggestions, or concerns regarding the budgets while they're being developed by both the Town and School since at Town Meeting we only have the ability to vote for them or against them (since they're on Australian ballot) and we are not able to discuss them and potentially make increases or decreases as we could when they were on the floor.  

Listening to the Mark Johnson Show on WDEV this morning, just heard the Speaker of the House, Shap Smith, say that he thinks voting should become mandatory with a fine if you don't vote.  Mark Johnson stated he thought that voting should be something you're honored to do.  Of course it's best when people are educated about what they're voting on and a caller pointed out that there are young folks new to voting who may notvote if they're not well versed on the candidates or topics.  Why do you think we don't see higher turnouts?  Any suggestions to increase the turnout?

The Berlin Elementary School Board meets at 6:30pm on Monday, Nov. 10th at the school.  This meeting starts the budget discussion.  The board members truly appreciate folks taking the time to attend their meetings.  See more below on this.

Below you will find:
The following meetings will take place at the Town Office - Sewer Commission Monday, November 10th, Planning Commission Wednesday, Nov. 12th, Selectboard Monday, Nov 17th, and Development Review Board Tuesday, Nov 18th All meet at 7pm.
Note the Berlin Town Office will be closed on Tuesday, Nov. 11th for Veterans Day.
Many thanks to all the Veterans and their families for the sacrifices they have and do make.
In Montpelier on Tuesday, Nov. 11th a parade will step off at 10am down Main Street to State Street to the War Memorial where a brief wreath-laying ceremony will be held, then to City Hall Memorial for a brief ceremony.   Note that beginning at 9:30am at the roundabout veterans, family, and friends are encouraged to join in the march to honor veterans of all wars. 
In Barre there is also a parade on Nov. 11 which will start at 10:30am, forming at the Barre Auditorium parking lot at 10am. Ceremony at Barre City Park at 11am.
Please note the Park & Ride off Exit 7 will be closed all day on Wednesday, Nov. 12th.
889 registered voters cast their ballot on November 4th, this includes 163 absentee ballots.  With 1,916 people on the checklist, 46% who could vote in Berlin actually did. Berlin’s Phil Scott continues on as Lt Gov. and our own Scott Williams is the new State’s Attorney.  Anne Donahue & Patti Lewis continue on as our representatives, while Ann Cummings, Bill Doyle, & Anthony Pollina continue on as our senators.   Several Berlin residents did not win a seat but should be recognized for the time and effort that went into their campaigns – Sandy Gaffney, Marvin Malek, Jeremy Hansen, and Pat McDonald.
Our new Justice of the Peace is Margaret "Peg" Monley, her term will start Feb. 1st.  In addition the other Justices of the Peace continue to be: Wanda Baril, Elizabeth Fitzhugh, John Fitzhugh, Cathy Lamberton, Matthew Levin, Muriel Morse, Charles Pelletier, Kathy Pelletier, and Susan Rich.
Find more results at:
Specific Berlin results including write-ins can be seen on the Berlin, Vermont facebook page and also on the front door at the Town office.
Hello Berlin Neighbors,
   The next Berlin Elementary School Board meeting is this Monday night at 6:30 at the school.  I would like to invite you once again to attend and share your thoughts about the school and our educational priorities.  What are our desired student outcomes?  What are our community values?  How can the board honor those while remaining fiscally responsible as we start the budget building process?  The board will take its first look at the budget for next year at this meeting.  We want your input.  
   In addition to the budget, the board will also be discussing and working on issues around: the water system, school climate, an annual work plan, a communication plan, and a policy on board member conflicts of interest.  At every meeting, the board hears a report from the Superintendent and from the Principal.  You can take a look at the full agenda as well as all of the past minutes of board meetings on the BES website at       
   If you can’t attend, please feel free to reach out to me or any other school board member with your thoughts about the budget or any other school-related issue.  Making your voice heard now means the board has the time to take your opinions into account when making crucial decisions about OUR school.  Thank you!   
   I am only one member of the board and am not authorized to speak for the entire board, school, or supervisory union.  This is just me wanting you to know what's going on in our town.  I hope to hear from you or see you at the next meeting.
   - Chris Winters
Berlin's own Lynn Spencer currently has paintings on display down at the Coffee Corner in Montpelier during the month of November. Her work is also on display at the Visitor's Center on State Street through December. Berlin Elementary School is fortunate to have Lynn Spencer as their Art Teacher.
Sample local foods and meet wellness practitioners.  Receive $5 coupon if you bring a non-perishable donation.  Montpelier City HallFREE 10:30am - 3pm
group of U-32 8th graders are having a yard sale - bake sale - 50/50 raffle - concessions - arts & crafts - face painting for kids on Nov 22nd 8am-4pm at Montpelier Elks to raise money for their trip to Washington DC
The second installment of property taxes are due by Saturday, Nov. 15, 2014. In order to meet the deadline, payments should be brought to the Treasurer at the town office by Friday November 14, 2014 by 4:30 p.m., or they can be left in the deposit box outside the front door (which will be checked Sunday morning). Payments can also be postmarked (not an office meter but postmarked by the post office) by November 15, 2014. Payments not made will incur a late fee of 8% penalty and 1% interest.
Note there are some drawings of what we see currently on the Barre-Montpelier Road and the bike lanes being proposed at this link:[UNIQID]

Pub. 11/6/14 Times Argus by David Delcore
   BERLIN — The Barre-Montpelier Road isn’t designed for biking and walking, but a consultant is recommending a cost-effective plan that could change that.
   The proposal, which was the subject of a public meeting this week, is the product of a process that started in April and involved a summerlong analysis of the road and a subsequent study of two alternatives designed to make the commercial corridor more bike- and pedestrian-friendly.
   One of those alternatives would significantly narrow the traveled way and add “buffered bike lanes” on both sides of the section of state highway that runs between the Wayside Restaurant and the Price Chopper plaza.
   It’s called a “road diet,” and the state Agency of Transportation is planning to test drive the idea as part of a massive repaving project next spring, according to agency engineer Jon Kaplan. He joined Lucy Gibson, an engineer with DuBois & King Inc., in presenting a plan that also calls for constructing nearly a mile of new sidewalk and installing crosswalks at three traffic signals in the study area.
   The estimated cost of the project would be $1.16 million, and Gibson said the vast majority of that would go for sidewalks.
   According to Gibson, sidewalks are nearly nonexistent on the
Barre-Montpelier Road, and the ones being proposed could be built in affordable segments — possibly as part of private redevelopment projects over a period of years.
   Gibson and Kaplan said the “road diet” proposal, coupled with plans for new sidewalks and other pedestrian amenities, was considered superior to an alternate proposal to construct an off-road shared-use path that would run between the Partridge Farms development and the VSECU mortgage closing center.
   Though the second alternative would involve constructing significantly less sidewalk, Gibson said, the price of the path pushed the project costs up to an estimated $1.45 million.
   The shared-use path wouldn’t require any reconfiguration to the traveled way of the
Barre-Montpelier Road. However, Gibson and Kaplan said that wasn’t necessarily an advantage.
   According to Kaplan, “reallocating existing space” by creating buffered bike lanes running in both directions was an economical way to create a desired enhancement, while making it safer for motor vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians and adding only 13 seconds to the average two-minute travel time through the study area.
   According to Kaplan, a study conducted after comparable adjustments were made to a much busier road in Florida showed a 34 percent reduction in motor vehicle accidents and a nearly 70 percent reduction in accident-related injuries despite a slight uptick in traffic.
   Kaplan said reducing the number of traveled lanes limits the number of conflicts between vehicles and lessens the likelihood of rear-end accidents, sideswipes and accidents involving left-turning vehicles. Those types of accidents account for 49 percent of the 208 accidents reported on the
Barre-Montpelier Road between 2008 and 2012.
   According to Kaplan, a paving project planned for next year will provide the agency the opportunity to conduct what he hopes will be at least a 60-day trial between the time the preliminary paving is finished and the final layer of asphalt is applied. With the Barre-Montpelier Road, the Berlin State Highway and Route 62 all scheduled to be paved next year, Kaplan said, the hope is to create a significant window to analyze and potentially tweak the plans to reconfigure the highway.
   Gibson said the concept has several advantages to the town. One of them is that the bike lanes — unlike a shared-use path — would be paved, plowed and maintained by the state.
Barre-Montpelier Road ranges from three to five lanes for traffic in much of the targeted area. While a two-lane bridge represents a potential choke point, Kaplan said there is room to accommodate generous buffered bike lanes by reducing the number of traveled lanes.
   Those who attended the public presentation were generally receptive to the proposal, and officials said feedback will be critical, particularly during the trial period next year.


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